Cope Kicks Bucket

unfortunately your brainwave activity level puts you at having passed on years ago.

regardless, if you are posting in this thread, you are > myron

dead legend, adored by millions > alive pole smoking IT geek who sucks cocks behind dumpsters on his lunch break…not because he needs the money, only for the thrill.

I saw you in line a few days ago

1320’s mom had just got done slobbering all over my knob and i didnt have access to any bleach, and you were the only person I knew that could suck herpes off a donkey cock.

don’t you forget it, bitch.


fuck off toolbag

when your blowing darkstar…does he rest his rolls on top of your head?

how the hell you get the beans above the frank?

I’m going to make you slob on the business end of a 45 auto.

now that sir…sounds like a plan

:wackit: :wackit: :wackit: :wackit: :wackit:
