Ive noticed that girls who keep their cars neat and tidy generally are good girlfriends, drama free and very nice to be around, whereas girls whos cars look like a war zone inside are generally bitchy and always terrible to be around.
I had one g/f who kept her car spotless inside, she was perfect
Another whose car was a mess, she was the devil.
The same holds true for every single person I have asked.
So, id be willing to bet that Newmans ex has a super messy car
Just wondering if anyone has noticed this too…
EDIT: this is just a generalization, im sure there are exceptions to the rule
i guess i have to be the exception then, my girlfriends car, while not littlerd with stuff usually has alot of folders and supplies from work in the trunk and back seat, yet she is quite drama free and does jsut about anything for me without question. i guess if you mean like BK wrappers and other garbage thats a different story.
my ex had a messy car and was a total bitch most of the time to me. but i met this new girl and her car is messy and she is really nice. could be i just met her. we will see.
Of the few girlfriends I’ve had they all had messy shitty cars. All of which I hated (the cars) but kept my mouth shut. None of them turned out to be what I was looking for.