Washing Car = Close to Sex?

Ok not really…

But how many people love seeing their car all nice and shiny after it was covered in salt and dirt and all the lovely stuff from a Buffalo Winter?






I personally love well cleaned and detailed cars. Esp. around winter time when it just jumps out against all of the filth out on the roads

^see that’s where im coming from lol, especially a white car, cuz god knows the little dirt makes it look like shit

You do realize white cars are easier to keep clean than darker colored cars?

no no no especially a black car… 0 salt on black in the middle of winter with a liquid shine is SEX (granted not as good as good sex, but more like sex with a fat chick, but still sex!)

yeah, i do, i was just in canada last week tho, so i got that sand/salt shit EVERYWHERE. but yeah, i know, my dad has a black s-10…that thing picks up everything.

my car is nice and clean under its cover…so no salt.

truth. But wait…how fat are we talking? Chub Chubby? Or Blue Whale?

Since most of my winter driving is spent doing donuts, my car is COVERED in salt and snow and dirt.
Being a new black subaru I NEVER hand wash my car in the winter… by using a hand mit to remove the dirt you will scratch the paint.
Insted I power wash the entire car and underneath the car…then use my autopia soap despenser to cover the entire car in a thick layer of my choice of car wash soap. then power wash the soap off.

It removes all the dirt and salt and road grim with out touching the paint and therfor scratching the shitty subaru paint.

(this is only my winter wash cycle, as soon as summer comes I obviously use a microfiber mit to wash my car)

And since my girlfriend is a sex feign, as weird as it sounds, I don’t look forward to having sex all that much seeing as how I have sex on average twice a day.
I would have to agree that having a clean car in the winter is > than having sex.

oddly enough… i know what you’re talking about hahah

oddly enough… i know what you’re talking about hahah[/quote]

:picard: I wouldn’t look forward to fake sex either.


lol sex while going through the car wash :tup:

ummmm… you realize that you run a better chance of scratching it using a power washer?

Yes, but do you understand what I’m talking about?