Washing Car = Close to Sex?

have you tried this? what makes it special besides that colored soaps on the windows and the 70’s porno like lights?

I get the hose and bucket out as soon as it’s over 32 degrees. :gotme:


Main Entry: feign
Pronunciation: \ˈfān\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French feign-, stem of feindre, from Latin fingere to shape, feign — more at dough
Date: 13th century
intransitive verb
: pretend, dissemble
transitive verb
1 a: to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression <feign death> b: to assert as if true : pretend
2archaic a: invent, imagine b: to give fictional representation to
3obsolete : disguise, conceal

Maximum PE !

What the hell is the word then?
am I just spelling it wrong?

How so? you are not coming in contact with the paint at all.
Obviously don’t use a fine stream, I set it on wide fan and it works fine.

thats what a DD is for :smiley:

:stuck_out_tongue: Sorry to be a spelling dick. The word is “fiend”

I would pick on me too.
It’s just when I say it…it comes out “feign” well… (feen)

haha yeah i got it when u posted that lmao

as in… feigning death… (faking death)

White hides dirt the best, believe me. That’s why my winter cars are always white. Also anyone who knows me knows I always keep my cars shining.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

no-rinse car washes are not sex, but they’re rather nice.

I just normall get out the powerwasher when its 35+ or so, or if its SUPER dirty and its going to be 0 for weeks, ill get some warm water and a bucket…

i hit up the touchless car washes once or twice a week

My car used to say much cleaner with a commute that was only on surface streets. Highway speeds/commutes = fucking filthy any time the road is wet. :bloated:

i have a winter beater. it gets hosed inside and out in the spring.


I have sex. I don’t have time to wash my car.

Speaking of which, wheres a good spray wash? I was gonna stop by the Robo one on Sheridan but forgot to.

there is one on hertel between delaware and elmwood, near continental transmission. i think its 2.50.