Corvette i seen today


ya i think i just threw up in my mouth a little bit

thats why we should keep those cars out of the hands of people like you

last time i checked everything on the exterior of my car is stock

the truck is pretty :greddy: too

go away tool

fuck you nigger and suck my cock k thx bye

I think u using the N word is wrong. Im sure there are a few people on here who dont appreciate comments like that and Im one of them.

except for the painted tails, and viyl on the headlights

You just lost any respect I had for you… You dont have the BALLS to say that to a black guys face…

Resorting to some racial shit like that just shows how much of a pussy you really are.

Fag :madfawk:

not untill you blow me asshole

tinted tails…

and wow! viyl on headlights big deal, they look like damn fish eyes if you dont do anything with them


:rofl: nice 30 days, damn you spanked the kid like his parents should have :rofl:


:ban: for the shit he said, he deserved every bit of that 30 day ban :tool:

he’s probably reduced to tears at this point