Corvette in toga lake

Anybody who boots it around a corner and hits a guard rail sucks and should not be allowed to drive ever again.

Silly drifters. It’s almost as bad as 200mph bombs down rt9. :confused:

200 MPH on rt 9 ??? That’s madness lol

So greg, what is the difference from what I said and what they are saying here?

Ohh thats right, it came from my keyboard so it automaticly flips the switch in your head that I just jumped on my 23’ tall horse and put the “I am perfect” crown on. If thats the case, I’ll lend it to your guys above when I am done with it. Maybe I should just put a signature in my profile with a disclaimer “Sorry I forgot the candy coated shell around my reply, here is a hug if it hurt your butt.”

would anyone feel sorry for someone who drove into a tree head on and walked away after getting behind the wheel hammered? was their decision to drink and drive no? would we defend that too because we were friends with them?

our brain is smarter than the muscles it controls. no one put his foot to the floor and made him do it. it was his decision. its different if this happened in the winter and the roads had black ice or something, then i would have remorse. but shit, its OUR responcibilty to be in as much control of these cars as possible. leave showing off for track days where the only thing your going to crash into is a grass field or some barriers.

id have the same opinion if in fact john did this, or anyone else im close to. John, if you crash your Camaro into the lake i will kick u in the dick and tell you you deserve it for being a dumbass. :number1

Lol, if it was a PR in a civic everyone would be calling him a dumb fuck. Dont know the guy and dont care but saying “oh its ok he made a mistake”. What if there was someone walking or another car. He made the decision to fuck around, his car ended up under water. If anything he is lucky that is all that happened. Yes, weve all made mistakes but that dosent make it ok.


But in all honesty that could have turned out much worse then just a wrecked vette. Glad him and the passengers were ok and that they weren’t pulling bodies out of the lake instead.

Ouch. I had no idea this happened to him. Nick generally knows what he’s doing, so this was obviously just a fluke. He’s 41 and has been driving the shit out of vehicles longer than 99% of this forum. We all make mistakes and do dumb shit (on purpose)… sometimes this is what happens. Oh well, as long as everyone is OK – brush it the fuck off and move on.

i agree cause if something like this happened to any of us on here it would be pipe down hes a good guy etc,except for me im an asshole lol

Kind of unrelated but would insurance cover a crash like this where its documented he was “horsing around” for lack of better words. I’d like to assume they would since its not like he crashed intentionally but then again insurance companies are in the business of making money where they can.

Woody u got flamed cause a lot of times u do act or seam like u haven’t done anything wrong and have no issues saying what’s what etc . If ya kept it to yourselves sometimes u wouldn’t get hammered back on .

FUCK no. I swear to god, if today on my ride home I put my Saab into a guardrail on the truway becasue I was weaving in and outa traffic like a dick bag texting on my phone… I would RACE here and hope I was the first to say “I was a fucking idiot, keep your hugs to yourself”.

I would expect NOTHING MORE than a kick to the dick from anyone who wants to take a swing.

Then all I can say is, fuck um and those people need to open their eyes. I carry myself with enough self respect to go OUT OF MY WAY to tell someone “you told me so” when I make a mistake. Which is probably why I battle with people too. Like the hood I fucked up that greg clings to as the chink in my armor. I accepted it then and will till I die it was my worst paint job yet.

Bottom line is this. Remember when yaalllllll told KrazyKid to chill out its just the internet, dont get all riled up and take it so serious… I aint anymore. I have NO filter. For better or worse I guess. If someone on here is selling coke to get money for thier expensive ass cars and it comes up ill kick them in the dick. If I get caught selling asian babies from the back of my car to buy my pile of shit cars… I would expect the same punishment.

I was jerking off while driving once. Wasn’t my best decision, but everyone came out unharmed including my semen. My cousin said that’s the last time he rides in the car with me, though.

i tend to be the same way. my filter is usually off at all times.

:rofl actually just bust out laughing when I read cousin.

Mike, for the love of God with the child trafficking man. But outta curisity how many can fit in the sabb?

depends on how flexible their bodies are. :rofl

this is getting creepy now, lol :skid


This could never happen. Because I saw your Camaro in the parking lot.

Shit happens. People loooove drama. Sucks for Nick… Glad hes ok