Cossey - 1; neighborhood punks - 0

Most cops yes. But I know my buddy police’s the shit out of scodak. (how ever you spell that east bumfuck joint). I went on a ride along with him and yanked a hundred cars, gave most of them warnings, helped with directions, let them know headlights and shit were out, helped some people drinking get home safely (park car and call for another ride), went on disturbance calls, etc. Wrote maybe a hand full of tickets and one DWI. HELPED more than bent over with the law.

If Cossey called us, we would have fucked with those kids something fierce and made them shit themselves and never do it again. My buddy is the best verbal judo ninja out there, motherfucker is skinny as a rail like me and comes up with GOLD comments to put people in their place all the time.

Def a “good” cop. infact he hates sitting and waiting. He calls it sharks and minnows. He would rather drive around and find people fucking off then wasting time waiting for them to come to him.