Cossey - 1; neighborhood punks - 0

:rofl :rofl :rofl

I fail to see how you got that I ran out with an unloaded gun? I ran out with a flashlight. While some people of lesser intelligence can confuse the two, someone over the age of four should know the difference. It fixed plenty of things. My house hasn’t had its doorbell rung. I’d say that’s problem solved. Also the entire neighborhood views the kid as an immature tool, so that’s good too.

Also, I don’t know why you keep saying he was simply messing with my doorbell? He wasn’t pissing my doorbell off, he was pissing me off, therefore, he was fucking with me.

Misread that, I see now you were sitting by your door, with an unloaded gun, when they rang your neighbors bell, you left the gun at your place, and chased them with a flashlight. Got it.

Speaking of punks gloversville and Johnstown are full of them, other night someone threw a chocolate shake and hit my uncles new car… and the car break ins here are ridiculous, thankfully I live in a lil nicer side or jtown and the punks don’t wonder over much

The issue with that logic is, the initial problem is solved. The real problem is that you STILL have a piece of trash neighbor behind you, and now the kid is going to be unreasonably pissed off at you now.

LOL @ the fact Cossey running thru his neighborhood hahah

Not meaning to bash i am a fellow fat man myself.

Luckily their house is for sale.

I’d say mine looks scary enough…

Added bonus: You could hit them from 100 yards.

You need blanks my friend. Turn the neighborhood into a decibel war zone!


I for one cant WAIT to get old, move into a housing development with these little fuckers. My house would be rigged to the hills with shit.

I would set up the door bell to trigger a water cannon hidden in the bushes. Just arm it after like 6PM. as long as you arnt expecting anyone or getting any UPS packages or what ever your GTG.


Catch them on camera. Make a DVD copy of it, send it to their parents, with a letter from your lawyer stating you are thinking about pressing charges for harassment.

It should be very easy to outsmart stupid kids.

a paintball gun (fully automatic of course) with the velocity turned down would be a whole lot more effective than a squirt gun…

Fill the squirt gun with mountain goat urine. /thread

Sorry for the late reply. Had to go to my moms to take a shower because I didn’t want my taxes to go up.

Why do some peope think a cops life 100% of the time comprises of chasing down bad guys, following leads, fast car chases and action.

Chances are that cop was sitting on the side of the road somewhere sexting his wife or talking to a buddy, you think theyd pull a cop off a crime scene or something important for that? No theyd pick the guy thats on traffic duty watching the moon at 1am because hardly anyone is out driving.

Stop being so thick headed

Fixed* LOL


Shady has plus rep on his way once I get to a comp. Repping from a phone sucks.


buy it.

problem solved, problem staying solved (till you sell it to someone with another douchey kid)

Most cops yes. But I know my buddy police’s the shit out of scodak. (how ever you spell that east bumfuck joint). I went on a ride along with him and yanked a hundred cars, gave most of them warnings, helped with directions, let them know headlights and shit were out, helped some people drinking get home safely (park car and call for another ride), went on disturbance calls, etc. Wrote maybe a hand full of tickets and one DWI. HELPED more than bent over with the law.

If Cossey called us, we would have fucked with those kids something fierce and made them shit themselves and never do it again. My buddy is the best verbal judo ninja out there, motherfucker is skinny as a rail like me and comes up with GOLD comments to put people in their place all the time.

Def a “good” cop. infact he hates sitting and waiting. He calls it sharks and minnows. He would rather drive around and find people fucking off then wasting time waiting for them to come to him.