Cossey: Ban?

I agree Vov. The problem was I got mad that I was singled out for doing something that 95% of this forum does on a daily basis. When I get mad, the Italian takes over and I say things that don’t always follow a logical path…

After I cooled down I realized I was being a chum. apologized and moved on:

Cossey if we are all out sometime, I owe you a beer for being a numbnut. I should not have attacked you directly and went on to be an ass, I should have directed my focus on the real problem at hand which is the moderation of these types of incedents. If everyone else is doing it and not being punished, why should I? Hope you see where I am coming from here.

But I do agree, IF the forum is going to penalize people for something, it should be universal and more strongly regulated so that this type of thing dosen’t happen.