Cossey's internet connection is trash...

You keep getting booted… stop looking at porn or upgrade to extreme.

It’s Facebook brah. Eat a dick.

You can eat Zuckerberg’s dick. I’ll be over here in 1997 on AIM.

Why is it that everywhere you go there is like dicks revolving around you.

Lay off the dicks

Holy shit

Zuckerberg’s a bitch, though he too is into Asian women, so I give him a pass.

They don’t call me CHB for nothin’!

Does this thread conclude that Cossey likes the dick?

No, just Nicole does. I like the vag.

You play team vajayjay


this bitch

Seriously though I think something is messed up with FB chat…I can’t even get mine to load

I told you, 1997. AIM.

My shits working fine, must be dumbass user error.

It’s called ID10T. Get it right.

(Funny story, told an end user at work to write it out once and they actually wrote, “I D Ten T” and then stared at it/me like WTF did you just have me write?")

Oh and welcome back Nicole.

< Has FB chat turned off. Too anti-social.

Lmao. Where is Stees…he’d have something ridiculous to say right about now

Thanks! Was wondering if you were still around…

Not really as much as I used to be. Used to login like every hour, now maybe 2-3 times a week.

Quoted for Truth!