Cost to get car painted/best place to go tog et it done?

it all depends on the company to tho the one a did a co-op at charges pretty high rate they usally have a car in one day out the next which i guess is why they charge so much and there a GM dealer so there rates are usally higher


Most people don’t realize how much the cost of paint/primer varies not only between brands but also their own different product lines.

ok i see you where working at a dealership bodyshop explains alot lol :stuck_out_tongue: price wise my bad if you thought i was doggin on you by the way:/:

when i was working at an autobody shop, most of the complete paint jobs were quoted over 5k. mind you thats high quality paint, prep, door jams, and every single little piece being taken off. but the cars were also porsches and audis so its a little more labour intensive then some 240 thats held together by 4 bolts.

DONT DO ANYTHING BEFORE YOU CALL THIS BODY SHOP - ive spent over 15,000 dollars there on 2 cars a few front ends, rims, interior stripping etc, they have been ranked best body shop in Ontario 4 years in a row, go check them out, pm me first if you are really interested.

Some people just like to cheap out on paint and call me a lier, thats cool.

w/e man pay 2500 - 3000 on a paint job, but dont come back crying making a thread “THIS SHOP FUCKED ME OVER”

if you want to save the money,\

take 2 days and strip the pig yourself,

mirrors off, door handles, lights, bumpers, inner door/trunk jam trim, etc.

You should be able to find a shop to allow this, even outside in the yard.

^this is how to get a $5000 result for $2000-3000

its all relevant to starting condition, supplies/paint etc.

I spent nearly $900 on just paint primer clear, that was just to get the cans into the shop

^i did that once and took it to carstar and they charged $1000 and i supplied paint to there specs and the car was primered

true, they did some work on my uncles car and it was well-done and at a good price too.

honestly, stripping your car is one thing, when i had my g/fs type r painted, i brought them the car in pieces because we got thin side moldings, spoon mirrors, and jdm front end, but i would never start sanding or primoring the car because any good body shop will tell you that they will just re do it … if they are any good anyways, why the hell would i trust a kid to do the most important job on the car before i paint it… body work is 10x more important than the paint… if you want a clean spray without doing any body work, it will look clean, and fresh, but it will look hack when you get up close… is it worth it ?

call that number and get them to appraise your car… there is 3 of us going there in the next 2 months that will be getting our cars done so im sure you can get a deal. refer to my s14 build pics and you can see the detail they do.

I would argue body work is equally important as the spray.

Not everybody is “just a kid”, some people have skills/mentors/uncles for help/guidance.
Bodywork isn’t hard, the patience is the hard part, and the skill to feel what you may not see
hell I had a barn fall on my car and none of my bodywork popped out/off, even the shaved antenna

My body guy simply primed my bodyworked car (delivered in primer bodywork done) and longboarded it, and touched 2-3 spots to the tune of 1-2mm.

hmm, all very interesting and helpfull.

bottom line get a reputable shop get a price you like just remember you get what you pay for and if you do your own body work make sure you sand well and have fun doing it

How much would you guys say to respray the car the same color? Touch up 2-3 spots of bubbling and 1 TINY dent in the fender?

there is more than likely more than what you just mentioned, once you start stripping, you find 30% more than what is visable… i know with my last s14 the car was basically mint on the outside just dings, but no visable rust… turned out the rear 1/4 had a bit under the back and the bottom near the fender was about to rot…

and the re-spray same color theory that its cheaper, changing the car color or keeping it… should never be cheaper… if you ask any body shop, get them to explain why it is cheaper… if they say it is… a real body shop will tell you… why would it be cheaper ? the amount of time spent preping a car that is black, blue, red, pink, doesnt make a different if they are doing proper body work… thats outside only, inside if you leave your rad support, inside trunk, under hood, etc… a good body shop will ALWAYS paint door jams.

For example i asked phenoix if i could spend maybe 1500 to 2000 on a “Re-spray” i said just fix like some of the dents if they are bad… clean up the rust, but just give it a once over you know dont take anything off, just freshin it up… he flat out said they wont do it, HIS reason was lets say im at the track and one of you guys askes where i got my work done and you notice its a junk paint job? he doesnt want that reputation… which is good, good quality work is hard to find these days… im just think if your going to paint your car do it right and do it once… ive seen too many guys end up wanting paint 2, 3 years down the road…

I hear ya. Ive given the car a gooooooood once ro twice over. Couldn’t find any spots nearing rot, just a couple small patches of bubbles on the edge of the hood and under the rear quarter glass.

409 Collision. PM me for more info.

i have chads old car, the paint on it is fucking mint, listen to the guy.