(coupe VS hatch) whats better?

i rather like owning both

You got me with Ford Probe part but I still would rather have a hatch I just love when the roof is black and the rest of the car is red looks amazing but still I would take either cuz their both still 240’s. Also must add if you like pop up lights go with hatch if you like silvia conversion than go with coupe…just my opinion

im in the same boat.
but still coupe owns

word. me too


Hatch’s are for bitches. Buy a coupe then slap a hatch owner.

hatch all the way i had a hatch loved it.


Pros:In my opinion, visually, Hatches have a lot more options. (with a JDM silvia conversion, coupes look like regular JDM silvias while hatches look like sileighty’s) I like the sileightys better.

Cons:Also with most hatches made around that time period, I think you’ll run into more problems with the rear glass on the hatch than with the coupe.


Pros: For track, you could go wither way, but if you’re really picky, I believe that coupe is lighter by 50-100 pounds ( do not take my word for it), I think due to the rear hatch’s glass. They are also more stiff I believe

Cons: Doesn’t have as much trunk space as the hatchbacks.

  • with a silvia front end, it might have A BIT more of a tendency to understeer (dont take my word for it, got that off of drift bible, im also guessing it’s due to JDM front ends are lighter than regular fliplights.):wink:

Final words:

In the end man, the final decision is yours. To me, track-wise, a coupe would be better (lighter), Looks-wise I think the hatch would be nicer, though some coupe’s ive seen I would consider exceptions.

To answer your question, since you’re going for an SR240, they are both good to build on, depends on what other plans you have for the car. for city and country cruising, lighter is better for gas mileage, but at the same time
hatches look generally nicer, (to most ppl).

If I were you, talk to some SON’ers if you can. Try and test drive some of the stock member’s rides if you can OR find people who are selling both model types and take them both for a spin. Drive them for a long time, check the dimensions, how it feels inside the car, do you feel more comfy in a coupe or a hatch, inside… can you see around the car better in one or the other, etc.

WORD OF ADVICE, do not compromise anything. When you pick that car, try not to have any regrets man, or it will be a waste of time. I faced the same problem when I finally bought my ae86. What made me go to the coupe’s side were three things:

  1. They were lighter (less weight=less gas), had better weight distr. and were more stiff (better for track)
  2. I personally thought coupe’s looked and felt better (due to a test run on both models)
  3. I liked the fact that the coupes were more rare, and most ppl with Hatches had pulled something close to or similar to some initial d style on em, which I didn’t like. (Based on what I’ve seen)

All-in-all, don’t let anyone influence your decision. (even though asking the question in the 1st place might). Go see both models for youself, either way once you’re in the car, you’ll feel like going DORIFTO TIME a lot. GL with whatever you choose and I wish you all the best man.



Edit: Sorry.

Lol, hey man ill say this… at least i can admit by noobness.

Don’t worry about it man, it was just funny LOL.

You’re good, I like you.

Just ignore Dan. Everyone else does.

:rolleyes: Owned.

previously owned a hatch, currently own a coupe, i prefer the coupe, definatly looks alot better, plus, i never see coupes on the road, hatches are everywhere

owned both… i still cry myself to sleep every now and again for giving my coupe away but i wouldnt trade my hatch for anything besides cash for an s15

so heres what i know

  1. coupes are lighter

  2. hatches NEED a rear strut bar because of the open structure for the hatch +glass(coupes dont have this problem since they have a trunk, to much drifting/hard cornering will Warp the body)

  3. coupes have a ballin interior and everything is nicly visable
    4.hatches are nice when you drop the rear seats you almost feel inside a race car.

  4. Coupes got HUD’s and if they work are a ballin toy

  5. hatches have a little more leeway when your drifting cause they are a little more centered ive noticed(IMO)

  6. In the end there both 240’s… get one build it and trade later on for the other if you want(and remember baby the shell and motor, later on sell the Shell and keep your motor for the next one)

IMO i like the hatch a little more, i like the body style and the overall feel is nice. the coupes are sick dont get me wrong but sometimes i was in hell with the digital cluster… honestly cant really point out cons…

-And you forgot one more… what about the VERT!!! Tre Sex


Does it really matter about the car? Get the cheaper shell and keep all your money for engine and parts. You can make either look sexy. And both of them fast as hell. Concentrate more on the parts and get that bad boy up to 400 hp and it won’t matter!

Why would you say looks dont matter???
If I took a dump on your car would you clean it?
have fun driving your 400hp shit stained ball(s) bearing turbo car

looks matter…

honestly… the coupe has more head room in the back for passengers LOL and hatches… well lets just say i break my neck everytime i am in the back of my friends hatch. The hatches cargo area is alot more versatile for stuff as the coupe… doesnt have alot of room. The hatch is a little wider than the coupe in the rear. Hatches are more common than the coupe… but most of the coupes i see are auto including mine.

hatch > coupe