COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

I work for the state, my job will never be WFH permanently. I think I’ll be back at the office mid-late may

He does not know of any layoffs pending , but is more than thrilled to WFH for the next few months.


Not only is space an issue in dealer lots, but so is the value of a used and formerly leased vehicle. Currently, the wholesale value of a used car is the lowest it has been in years. If a customer returns a vehicle now, the dealer—or automaker—will likely take a bigger loss than expected since the value of used vehicles is down. Yet, if the customer holds onto the lease for longer, the value could rise again, and losses could lessen.

Hell yeah!


In case of paywall;

Despite the fall in traffic—as much as 90% in San Francisco, for example—officials of the California Highway Patrol say they issued 2,493 citations statewide for driving more than 100 miles an hour between March 19 when the state’s stay-at-home order began and April 19—or 1,158 more than the number issued over the same period last year.

One offender was clocked going more than 150 miles an hour, said Officer John Fransen, a CHP spokesman in Vallejo, Calif. “Maybe they feel like the road is more open, but we’re out there,” he said.

Near-deserted roadways have become an enticing racing attraction. In Los Angeles, intersections have been taken over for car doughnut exhibitions called “sideshows.” So many amateur racers have taken to the freeways that the California Highway Patrol office in Contra Costa County issued this April 3 advisory on social media: “Just because there’s a wide-open freeway doesn’t mean it’s your race track.”

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“That’s where you’re wrong, bud!” - every ghetto in CA

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gradual on-set nihilism.

very dangerous cocktail but i appreciate that at least this information gets out there for us all to consider. we get very little to interpret on our own up here.

You know what I really don’t like? When I’m out, wearing a mask because Cuomo, and people star at me like I’m the worst person ever because I’m not just buying “essentials” during my super duper risky “outting.”

Like, I went to Target for dog food and treats but while I’m there I’m going to look at hot wheels cars…oh my god the looks that I recieved…you’d think I was a black face nazi.

I hate this “guilt” about trying to live somewhat of a normal existence during this whole fucking bullshit.

My dad’s bday was yesterday so I dropped off a smoker that we all bought for him and wouldn’t you know, a few Karen cunts that he was friends with from his old job comment, “your son went to Lowes to get this?” “He should’ve just had it shipped and not risked going out”

Fucking cunts.

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Don’t worry though, you don’t hold a minority opinion.

I could only imagine the look on the persons face behind me when I go off the expressway by summit mall and laid down 100ft heater. I didn’t have a mask on either tho🤷‍♂️

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i’ve been out and about, as has my wife, pretty regularly and while i do see people wearing masks i havent seen anyone upset at others who aren’t wearing masks nor has anyone made any comments to me about it.

added my direct deposit info a couple weeks ago. Fed site says I should have my dollars tomorrow. So we’ll see.

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Added mine the 27th (the Monday after they did the big weekend update that finally got me found in the damn system) and mine is supposed to be deposited tomorrow too.

I think it might be time to upgrade to that DJI digital HD FPV drone setup I wanted. :slight_smile:

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I think I did the same since I use this thread as my way to know what the status of the system is. haha

so basically just don’t go to nursing homes and hang around…

Mine showed up last night.



I’m terribly sorry I can’t figure out a way to convey this that doesn’t sound rude and I honestly don’t mean to be so insulting.

But this is the most f’ing snowflake complaint I’ve ever heard.

Nevermind… didn’t see who you were replying to.

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Not sure how that sounded snowflakey? But ok.