Craigslist Flagging

Does anyone know how to stop it?

I have a legitimate XBox 360 Repair listing up (and has been up for 2 months with renewals) and someone (either a competitor or that one guy who emailed me and then got mad at me because I wouldn’t do the job the way he wanted it done because the way he wanted it done was wrong and retarded) keeps flagging it. WTF? Is there anything I can do other than reposting it each and every f’in morning? This shit is REALLY starting to PISS ME OFF. :ahh :Idiots

Stop posting retarded shit and i’ll stop flagging.


ilya, how much to fix a red ring on an xbox?

im too lazy to do it myself.


However, depending on how long it’s been overheating and if other tricks (like the towel trick) were done on it, the board may be beyond repair. Only way to know is to attempt my fix.

no attempts of repair existed… I will give you a call

Yeah let me know man.

somebody flagged my car on there for no apparent reason. It was fine the next time I reposted it though.

I’ve reposted it 3 times today alone. I finally just sent an email to Craigslist and didn’t repost it. It’s either someone else who fixes em and doesn’t want the competition or it’s this one guy who emailed me a couple weeks back who didn’t like the answers I gave him. Douche bag(s).

Sorry about that.

its someone else in the business… It happens to car dealers all the time and happens to me all the time when I put an ad up that says “buying gold”.

In order to flag you need to be reported from 3 different ip adresses, no regular person is gonna go through the trouble.

Some people have no life.

No, the guy is trying to make a living so I can’t blame him for trying to knock his competition out.

A living off a job that nets him $20 per job? You’d have to fix like 1500-2000 XBox’s a year to make a decent living :lol.

It’s just a douche being just that. Hope he loses all his customers :rofl. I do it as a service to people who don’t have $199 to spend on a new console and as a way to pay for stupid stuff like a night at the movies or something.

Try posting it on Hudson valley or other parts of ny. Even when searched in albany, it will still pop up for close by. Or just wait a week it 2 before reposting.

Good idea. I’ll try that.

Change your ad, reword everything so they can’t really tell its yours and see if that works.

I had a link to my website in the ad though…lol. Kind of a dead giveaway. Unless I use a tinyurl type thing…but then they can just follow that and find out it’s me again lol.