Crankcase Ventilation

Looks like a filter / pump for a midgets pool :slight_smile:

I’m not familiar with how your motor works, but if you have PCVs and they are up to the task, why would you need to have extra ventilation? Why not just find a more temp-resistant or better flowing PCV system and re-route it so that it has less of a chance to pick up oil?

The parasitic loss elimination from your oil pump and “increase in HP” are going to be minimal I’d think from a system like this. But the rest of the positives are nice.

My stock PCVs (2 of them) pickup in places where they tend to suck up oil… it makes everything inside look like poop. And every time I track the car, I get clouds of oil smoke out the exhaust as I accelerate out of a turn. However there is a way to re-route them to stop this problem that I’m going to do in the spring.