crappy day

so i wake up get ready to go out side and work on my coupe , get to it i have to move it but it wont start, find out battary is dead. i get a boost and move it . im gathering supplies to do some light body work to my roof. everythings fine untill i find out thers a giant slab of bondo and fiber glass ( i shit u not it was the whole back half of the roof and was about 1/2 thick). so the roofs is fucked now because it started to come off . so i figured might as well fix th roof better then the dumb ass before me. so bondo/fiberglass has been removed theres a shitty tack welded piece off metal . so i figure might as well cut roof off and make it a truck ,problem being i dont know what its gunna cost to do as i have a cage welded in . so what should i do ? leave it alone and re bondo/fiberglass , or make it a truck?

New roof skin.
There’s a thread from last week with a before/after pic I posted from some guy in the states who did the same thing because someone replaced the sunroof with a piece of metal + bondo.

240sx truck conversion! how many of those do we actually have rocking on our Ontario streets or tracks? lol

X2, no sense in doing it wrong twice lol

roof skin for sure… the truck idea sounds cool but i dont see it coming out as you picture it. unless youre amazing at body work.

tried lookin for the thread for roof skin cant find it im leaning towards truck idea

get the carbon roof cover !

so im starting to do the truck conversion to the coupe if dont like it im going to transplant the 7mgte and parts to a new chassis just so u guys know its a beat up coupe not destroying a good s13

truck conversion on a coupe? really?

curious to see the lines,

but a new skin or even hammer/dolly may be easier

is it worse than this;?

which is my car 6 months after fresh paint $3k+ PAINT

i have a good idea how this is going to come together and it should not take to long, a week and a bit straight should be plenty fine to get a majority of it done then ill send it off to the body shop for finishing touches and paint

its not as damaged as that just very redneck fixed roof barely a roof once i removed the bondo/fiberglass

^^pm’ed ya…

yay truck!

dont do truck, its ugly imo

Could always be worse:

Pretty cool hatch…

even better skyline

yaa its ugly, but im sure they are drift monsters!

well things are looking up turns out i dont have to remove the roof