Crashed my Z

that sucks man. sorry to hear.

the last time i was angry and did something stupid while driving, i whipped around a corner past an unmarked cruiser. he turned around and caught up to me and gave me the sternest yelling i’ve ever had in my life. and i was 26, he couldn’t have been over 30. hearing it from someone in your age group really sinks in. that and an imprudent driving with demerits really helps keep your ego in check.

so whenever i’m feeling that kind of angry, i don’t take it out while i drive.

lesson learned? :partyman:

yeah, true that.

Definitely man, I have never had that happen to me before, I have a pretty much clean record completely, but I have had some close calls before. Being in a angry/shitty mood while driving isn’t good at all. Luckily for me, nothing ever came from it good or bad, and looking back on it I know that combination doesnt mix

Holy shit man, that sucks ass but i always notice when i drive mad i always do the best sideways action hehe. I know not funny now. But, if your going to right off the car you might as well do it big.

Any fines/tickets/insurance problems though?

Is that the Audi you picked up in Edmonton?

they said i’ll just be charged with driving without due car and attention.

Yes that is the audi i picked up in edmonton. I finished workin on it today, got it back on the road

To bad about the car, as long as your OK thats the important thing. It looked like a extreamly clean car before it happened. :?

yeah, and i was about to get it repainted :S kinda good thing i didn’t

Sorry to hear about you mishap…

Yeah, the girls who think they know too much (and guys too) are sometimes dicks or asses… or dicks and asses… Suffice to say dont let them decide your mood.

I did that and its costing me in insurance and repairs (3rd bumper, 2nd headlight, 2nd fender, 3 turn signal and a dent in my trunk for kicking it in anger) because i let my emotions drive and not my brain…

Best of luck to you in the future man, hope you dont stop your passion for cars…

(At least you didnt have someone with a “Turbo’d” Tiburon ask you if she should use Mobil 1 for her motor oil, and when you answer yes, have her call you a moron and have her tell you that Mobil is a crappy oil and you should use Q because all the TV shows do…)

lmao, mobil 1 all the way. take a bottle of that shit everywhere.

anyways, here’s my other ride. I finally got at it and put a new clutch in it this weekend.

shit happens, glad your ok

wow only undue care and attention??? you lucky guy i got that ticket when i was 16 and my insurance shot to 10 000 a year so i couldnt drive for 3 years, but that was with the old insurance im not sure how the new insurance works.

You were 16… that would be why it went up to $10,000