This time of year the hardwoods have “lowered their sails” so to speak, that is why you always see pines falling this time of year.
The soaked ground doesn’t help either.
pines also have fairly shallow roots, which is why they fall easy. just ask my parents who lost 4 of their 20-30ft pines a few years ago during high winds.
Same, must not have been impressive. No explosions, no care.
I woke up in the middle of the night and really thought my window was going to blow in. I have 2 big shitty old windows that creak, rattle and leak in my room, and one faces an intersection. It gets direct wind. I woke up to find little bits of drywall on my bed from the window. And my room is fucking freezing. And there is a big pine out front that is not only about to fall on all of our cars, but it’s going to take the cable line with it. Fucking wind.
Shallow roots actually help their stability in winds. They provide more of an anchor as they are very widespread and stretch out further from the source.
Uprooting happens due to the ground being saturated and weak. You see more hardwoods uprooted in the spring and summer months due to their smaller root network.
I woke up at about 5am to my windows rattling like crazy, i thought i had leaned on my remote and turned my stereo up causing the subwoofers to do that.
The drive into work was nuts today at 12:30, my car was getting blown around and I drive a buick. I cant imagine what it woulda been like driving my old van.
Well I just got back from the storage place, my 14 foot tailer blew back into my 24 foot enclosed trailer and tore a hole in it! SOB! Dam wind!
yeah it was blowing my truck all over the damn road. Fuckin wind.
Woke me up at about 4-4:30ish this morning too, loud as fuck horizontal hail.
50mph ass wind? People wonder why I don’t miss Western NY. But seriously wheres the pics of all this crazyness.
whose ass did it come from?
heres my back yard this morning
no damage except to the tree : )
My front yard: