crazy guy on elmwood

anyone ever seen the crazy black guy on elmwood that like pounds on car windows and yells and shit? pretty sure this is him about 99% positive

im sure you just picked one of about 400 of them



seriously though.
i was just approached at the sunoco on elmwood and bryant. asked if i wanted DVDs
said no
went in store to buy coldbeers
asked again
said no
and then was prmpted…“they porn”

got to love it… it was the best around playoff time this year… it was insane lol

did you grab some DVD’s then?

^hahahaha. anyway wow i cant understand black talk. jury duty was funny. i learned new phrases. while that guy was yelling, they should have yelled “yo whats up with the fair ones?” and seen what happened. (please dont seriously do this anyone)

Finished. :tup: