Crazy MRAP pics

if you dont know what a MRAP is, its the militarys possible future replacement for the HUMVEE. it stands for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected, and is supposed to be able to withstand a shit load of punishment without harming the crew…

check out these pics of one hitting a HUGE IED… everyone survived with minor injuries, and it blew the engine 100 yds away (dont know the size of the engine, but the MRAP is 4x times heavier than an up-armored hummer so it has to be pretty big to move it)

click “more” to the right to see the rest

it just is ready for a type R swap

thats all

i could see replacing the hummer but going bigger isn’t much of an option.

i had to drive along canal roads with tires half on half off and bridges where i had tires hanging half off both sides. A few inches to the left or right and it turns into a 10 ton coffin.

not to mention the turning radius. more examples of people not applying lessons learned.

the marines were actually talking about slowing down the deployment of the MRAP cause they dont know how to use it yet, meaning they have to re-think all of their strategies while using them… something i never thought of before.

just imagine when thing gets stuck somewhere

i’m going to assume it’ll go into 6X6

I have a friend working on these. He’s not a fan. Apparently there are about 150 controls in the cabin for different drives, locking diffs, high, low, shifting etc etc etc.

doin some reading, i guess after all the money and work, theyre prb not going to be able to stop EFP’s which are becoming more common and WAAAAAAAAAY deadlier

not much that can stop EFP’s unless you install a cooled layer of water in the armor. I can just see the head aches with that.

I’ve seen and EFP blow through a foot of solid concrete an uparmor door, a man, a radio, another guy, then out the other uparmor door.

my friend showed me pics of an EFP that was made out of spray painted insulation that looked EXACTLY like a boulder… thank God the asshat set it down garage sensor to the ground