crazy pwnage on forums

its been posted on pretty much every single car forum in canada

yes … yes it has :slight_smile:

just wanted to bring tnc in on the fun. lol

damn thats one retarted driver. thinking he can hit and run in the day with a bunch of cars around him… once happens to have a camera hahaha.

*sigh …honda owner’s , once again no offense kev:R

wow, what a DUMB***

where are you getting honda out of this?
i thought it was an acura… i know sorta the same in some ways but not.

uh same company , same RD . same parts …

Someone is going to get a firm beating from his parents when they get home lol. I vote that all drivers must complete an IQ test so they dont drive like complete dumb asses on the road.

Thats great i hope if anything ever happens to one of us that someone can catch them like that lol

that is a usdm version of a japanese honda integra.:wink:

Damn ricer-mobiles. Those k20a’s are pretty fast, despite the fact that they run on rice grains, and they could look nice with some lips and skirts, nothing obscene though, like the retarded mugen bumpers that everyone has.

you know mugen is like nismo right?
They do make some damn nice pieces

they make some VERY nice pieces. i love the authentic mugen bumper on the 05-06 rsx. it is teh sex

looks like he popped his windshield washer bottle all over the road. just thought I’d throw that in there…

its actually collant. in the thread it describes the damage on the rsx. :slight_smile: