Creation Museum in Kentuky

Looks like a fun place to visit

Bonus imgur gallery


i so have to remember to visit the next time i head down to my sister and troll the fuck out of these idiot…think they will kick me out for falling on the ground from laughing so much?

In a word… yes

The creation museum is private property, a Christian environment, and an outreach of Answers of Genesis.

Guests at the museum are expected to conduct themselves in a polite, respectful manner at all times. Please be courteous to other guests, public safety personnel, peace officers, and our staff while you are here. Loud, disrespectful destructive, obscene, or abusive behavior will not be tolerated, and and persons engaging in such conduct or wearing clothing or items that are offensive to other guests or to our staff will be subject to removal from the premises. In the interest of public safety, vehicles and any packages, bags, and articles carried on the premises may be subject to inspection at any time.

Thank you!

Their warning sign doesn’t follow rules of the English language… brilliant.

This could be your one chance to get a picture riding a dinosaur though!

now the question is, how long can i last in there before being kickout. it’s worth whatever the stupid cost is to get in there.

just saw an article posted on r/atheism that says they are in financial trouble…lmao

Nobody is paying to go see this stupidity, imagine that.

idk, i’d pay for it, to laugh and get kicked out, do this and the corvette museum on my way back home one time from my sisters, if its not closed by the next time im down there.

The state taxpayers are…

the Kentucky Tourism Development Finance Authority recently allocated more than $40 million in tax incentives for a planned expansion to the controversial Creation Museum

God ftw!

it’s really sad that there are still people this freakin dumb in our country today that stupid shit like this exists.

Religion, by itself, was never the issue; It is the small percentage of people that choose to interpret them in the most extreme way to justify their own twisted agenda that ruined it for everybody.

Poll: Young people turn decisively against religion
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 9:26 AM
By Ian Dunt

Young people in Britain have turned against religion, with many considering it a source of evil, a new poll suggests.

A YouGov poll for the Sun found intense hostility towards religion among 18-24 year olds and very low levels of belief in God.

Forty-one per cent of young people told pollsters ‘religion is more often the cause of evil in the world’ while only 14% said it was a cause for good.

Asked which figures had influence in their lives, religious leaders came bottom, with only 12% saying they were influenced by them.

That was a lower figure even than for politicians, who scored 38%, brands, which scored 32% or celebrities, who scored 21%.

Twenty-five per cent of young people said they believed in God, 19% believed in a non-Godlike ‘spiritual greater power’ and 38% were atheists who didn’t believe in any greater spiritual power.

Among believers, 13% were Church of England, nine per cent were Roman Catholic and four per cent were Muslim.

source: Poll: Young people turn decisively against religion

These are the same people who will have a natural disaster and look to the federal government for taxpayer money. Fucking idiots

Wow… More power to them. I think I’ll stick with science on this one though.

god works in mysterious ways lol

religion is the problem by itself. it doesn’t need to be interpreted. the point of religion is to follow something blindly that can’t be proven. it teaches ignorance.

Internet high five to all the posts in this thread so far.

Leave religon out of the science classroom please.

I believe God over science any day of the week

Scientific extremist. See? the people who only believe in religion or science are not so different after all. :rofl

I guess I am not extreme enough for the forum…:rofl

Well the good thing about science is that whether or you believe in it or not, it is true.