Creation Museum in Kentuky

Neil DeGrasse Tyson FTW!

some of it is, science is such a broad term lol

your right.

i can apply this quote to many things.

hahahahahahah. that is priceless

this is something thats hard to grasp. believing it is hard to do.

science says you can be dead and alive at same time. you can be in 2 seperate places at once. thats harder to believe than some mystical story about jesus.

who do you look for when you need help?

or are you ready for anything, a prepper saving items for the "natural disaster’?

Bill Nye!

No you dumb mother fucker… I’m saying these retards shouldn’t be wasting money on this stupid ass museum when they can’t even take care of there own shitty people

Subd to see bobby’s response.

The very nature of the scientific method implies that the things that are accepted as true are only true because despite trying our hardest, we haven’t managed to prove them wrong yet, and we are continually trying to. The ideas that manage to survive are generally the good ones, and bad ideas tend to get killed pretty quickly.

I suggest giving “The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark” by Carl Sagan a read.