Creation Science Quiz

Perhaps the fact that it just makes fun of Christianity because ignorant ass holes can not accept that some people believe in God and not just man’s ideas.

I say we make fun of Hinduism. They worship a 6 armed elephant. What a bunch of morons. they also think cows are sacred. Hehehe they should all die in a fire. I don’t understand any of their beliefs so I am going to make fun of them because my beliefs differ from theirs. Hahahaha. Or how about those damn Muslims. Their women all have to cover up while in public and they all kill themselves and blow each other up because they are stupid. What a bunch of retards. Why would anybody actually believe in something besides all powerful science. Science has never been wrong ever. It is the absolute truth, only us intellectuals understand that, everyone else is just a close minded moron for not thinking the masses are right in telling them what to believe.

That’s how all of you sound when you make fun of Christianity the way you do. You people don’t have any REAL reason to hate them. They are just an easy target for you to pick on, so you openly bash the shit out of them. What is the real reason you people have such a problem with somebody’s beliefs? Is it because they say something is morally wrong and you don’t like them telling you you are a sinner? Or because they say abortion and homosexuality is wrong? So what if they do. That does not give you the right to bash the shit out of them, yet when somebody bashes what you believe in you defend your beliefs vigorously. You preach tolerance and acceptance and individuality but can not accept those who believe in God. Yes, in the past people have done some awful things in the name of religion, but churches are also the ones helping the poor and needy. They are always accepting of everybody no matter what your background or what you have done. They welcome everybody with open arms, though they may not agree with your lifestyle or what you do, they will still help you in your time of need. Who else can you honestly say does that all in their own free time and out of their own pocket?