Credit Card Question

so i wanna apply for a credit card, but havent been working since march and have been collecting unemployment. i received a pre-approved offer from Chase, and it requires a work phone number. can i just put my most recent job number there, and if anything, i could say i got fired recently? or can i just put my cell number in there? i wonder if it’s too risky and if any1 has dont anything similar

I believe the work/home number is just so they can contact you. When they run your credit report they’ll know exactly what you’ve been up to for the past couple months.


the username just made me burst out into laughter at work…

Yeah it doesn’t really matter what you put on the form. They check your credit report and look at your FICO score and then decide.


me too! Tom Cruise wannabe!

You’ll most likely get it, regardless if you have a job or not. They will check past credit and determine your credit limit on the card. I gotta ask though…why do you want a credit card if you aren’t working right now? That’s just asking for problems.


I was going to edit and say the same thing then got a phone call. Credit card + no steady income = huge credit problems down the road.

ill have a job really soon. i just wanna build up my credit even more. plus im able to control my spendings

Id put down a friends number and when tell him he has to answer his phone Vandelay industry and tell him he’s in latex. In all seriousness if its pre-approved it prolly doesn’t matter employement wise. You could always put the unemployements phone # down?
