Why is there a Need???

I have been applying for local truck jobs. I been noticing in fine print.
Credit history will be reviewed???

what does this have to do with anything???
The credit is fine. Just, I dont see its purpose.

It lets an employer know that the prospective employee is stable in his life. I am sure people have done trend analysis on employees that succeed as a good worker based on there credit history. I would imagine dead beats to credit card companies probably end up being dead beats to employers a majority of the time

x2. We look at it especially with guys that are in the office or selling. People that have poor credit history or alot of outstanding debt are more likely to steal from the company than people who have decent credit.

Lose / Lose situation.
I could of had a recent divorce and the wife screwed up the credit.
Just saying, it doesnt make sense.

There is some controversy about insurance companies basing rates on credit history, too.


Not sure, but I think I read that some states may prohibit the practice of credit-based insurance rates. Mostly because the credit reports were being done without consumer consent.

If the employer’s insurance cost goes up based on bad credit reports, this could have something to do with it. Just guessing…

Then you explain that in the interview. Very rarely, if ever, is a credit score going to be the be-all end-all part of myself or my boss decided that we won’t hire someone. But, it is a useful tool in determining how successful people are at managing money.

Honestly, if you’re stupid enough to allow your wife to completely fuck your credit sideways, that is still your fault because your a pussy bitch or just not fiscally responsible enough to handle it. If it truly is a messup where it couldn’t be avoided, when the employer comes out and says “we will run your credit score” you just tell them what the problem is, and somehow show some proof of how she messed it up and that should make everything kosher.

With a driving job I wouldn’t be concerned…everone is crying for truck drivers.

were have you been applying?

Yep, even neonracer is a truck driver. I think he went throgh about 3 jobs last year…:doh:

your almost right. i had 2 last year and 6 driving jobs 2 years ago. i have piss poor credit . my credit is soo bad i would even give myself credit. ive filled out the credit reports a few times but i think it was just a formality . have you tried d.m bowmen ? they always send me job offers .

Penn Tank Lines, Pepsi, Talon Logistics aka Giant Eagle, Waste Management.
About any company I can think of with a daycab :rofl:

Heard back from talon and have an interview today.

try u.s food service in greensburg and if you get off rt 70 at ext 25 and follow 519 to the int of rt 136 make a left and there are a few companies out there hiring. i know eestes was . and it was 17.00 an hr to start. i think roadway and overnight are out there too.

I turned the offer from talon. I’ll stick it out a few more months @ us xpress.
Roadway, Overnight and Us food requires 2 years experience. Also have no interest in hauling doubles :nuts: