PA repossession laws

Does anyone know the law when getting a car repossessed? I heard a few different things.
A. That they cant do shit like garnish wages from your check bc its against the law in PA and the only thing they can garnish is either child support, school loans, or back taxes.
B. They can sue you for the difference in what you owed and what they sold it for.
C. They CAN garnish your wages for the difference.
D. Nothing will happen but bad credit for 7+ years.

I tried googlin it but didnt find much about PA’s law. Ive read so much shit I dont know if it applies here, there, or everywhere.

bj gonna get sneaky and get your ass

bye bey mustang??? i know they cant move another car to get to the car they need. dont know about the other end of it. alot of people i work with use to repo. but they just took the car. didnt deal witht he other end of it

i do pay my fn bills. i had perfect credit til fucking century 3 chevrolet came along and signed me into a 66 month LEASE on a fucking garbage ass trailblazer. I wasnt about to pay 40k for a hunk of junk. so i told the bank to shove it and bought the mustang

if i wanted your garbage response, id have posted this in off topic.
K thx

bj as in sti bj?

think so, last i heard he was a repoman

yeah ask him i believe he is working for a repo company now

ahh look at that good advice for you!!!

you sign the contracts

would he know what the banks end did?
does he repo for the one in mckeesport i wonder…thats where I took it.

repo men stealing for a living: good show on TLC :boink

They’ve been called thieves, con men and every name in the book. They’ve been beaten, stabbed and shot at. The potential for even worse is always staring back at them in the face of an angry property owner. They’re everywhere and they repossess people’s property for a living. They’re the ‘repo men’.

These legal thieves work for creditors and banks that want an immediate return on their investment. It is a dangerous business with the line between loan enforcer and thief blurring at times. Repo Men: Stealing For A Living introduces some of the toughest characters working the repo trade today as they sneak, skulk and stalk their way to reclaiming other people’s property. When the payments aren’t made, these men and women risk their lives to recover the goods. We find out what it takes to graduate from the real school of hard knocks as aspiring repo agents learn the unique tricks and laws of the trade.


shoot him a pm

prolly to thier local yard

your right, I signed it. i dont blame anyone but myself for actually signing it. cause you know, people actually sit there for another 8 hours and read that shit. point is, a lease was NEVER discussed. I didnt even know i was in one until i tried to see what i could get on a trade and they told me what i owed on it. and after paying on it for 8 months i still owed thousands more then i was told id be paying. i took that one in the ass hardcore.

fine print :eek4dance

No, I meant, I actually drove it down there myself and dropped it off. I was an easy repo…they didnt have to do any work, lol. I called the bank and told them I didnt want it nor could I afford it, which was a lie. I just hated it like the plague.

cool now you can qualify for the those dealerships that accept bad credit and buy a 1994 escort for $9600


Seriously, how in the world does one unknowingly end up signing a 66 month lease agreement? That had to have been in some fairly large obvious print.

hey assholes… she’s asking a question about repo… not about best practices for purchasing a car… so leave her be.

anyone with informatoin on the topic at hand, respond, otherwise STFU.

repo: the situation will depend on the outstanding loan, the value involved, and the actions of the person who owes the money. you can have wages garnished if, ruled in court, the person is causing outstanding financial losses on the bank that loaned the money. it all really depends…

best bet is to go straighten it out with the bank… even if it’s to reconcile payments for the total amount just to buy you time to contact a civil complex attorney…

i really don’t know much about it… sorry.

Alright whichever pecker head deleted my last post it was relevant :rant:

“How exactly does one unknowingly sign a 66 month lease?” (or pretty close to that quote"

BECAUSE - if you truly were misled into signing a document that was not on its face obviously a 66 month lease and in any way appeared to be something other than a 66 month lease (whatever you thought you actually were signing) than this could quite possibly be ammunition to defend yourself from any type of further action and could even possibly be used against the dealer in a civil action.

i did… i think it’s rather obvious that the lease in question would be used in court if she were to persue it… don’t cha think???

the point of the thread was the law pertaining to the reposession of cars… not what her lease looked like to get her to that point.

she shouldn’t have to take heat from a bunch of internet know it alls… it’s really easy to call out the mistakes being a third party.

so yeah… take it easy on her… and tell her all about the pa law that she’s asking about