Credit Repair 101


:stuck_out_tongue: Dammit. Thought I had that one nailed!

My question:

I was just looking to get a car insurance quote online, and they wanted to pull a credit report. No surprise, as credit score is used as evidence to how responsible you are and aids in determining your insurance risk. But is this a hard pull of your score that will adversely affect your score, or is is just looking at what’s on your report without pulling the actual FICO score?


It’s a hard pull that’ll have a negative impact on your FICO. If you are going to look for new insurance get as many quotes as you can in one day. The basic idea is that only one hard pull a day can adversely effect your credit, so if it has to get done, get as many as possible done within 24hrs so that you are limiting the hit.

There is a technique called “bumping” which some people who are really serious about their credit try and preform. Essentially each report only has a specific amount of lines that can hold “extra” or “erroneous” data ( where hard and soft pulls are stored. ) since soft pulls ( where you pull your own information ) don’t hurt your score, and are tracked, people will pull their score every single day. the newest pulls go on the top, and everything gets moved down a slot. after long enough, the hard pulls just get ‘bumped’ off the list :slight_smile: