Critiques please

Oh he is fucked

yeah i am ,but lets keep that out of this thread lololol

i know this guy that could shoot the wedding…

Yeah, there’s a guy that can shoot the wedding at the top of this thread,

Should do some porn shootz on the side, cop some trEatz

Nick its pretty good my only complaint is its not the fastest option…

is a little sluggish

i did notice it was SLUGGIN

why ya wanna see me do a porn shoot ?

give it some trEatz to keep it from SLUGGIN

Not you ya chode

ahhhhh ok ,i was worried

heard kramers mom was requesting some better quality pics of deez nutz

those can be arranged ,nick ya ready for that shoot

you guys get my halloween text? :rofl



100% srs, site looks great nick. far better than my fail of a site :rofl :rofl :rofl

okay CHRIS

sent it to my dad… he didnt respond hahhhaaha