I will be there am a pumped mofo. Who else is all going? I hope Sid gets his 100 points 2night.
3 points wont be easy against the islanders. i hope he does it though.
I’ll be there.
any one got any tickets they need to get rid of?
he’s at 98 goals
almost as insaine as tuscani’s car
he doesnt have 98 goals, he has 98 points
count down till what?
till the pens leave?
x 2
you idiot
99 points
hes the man, or in this case juvinele
100 pts
congrats to syd the kid. thats fuckin incredible. just think if he was on a good team how far he could have gone this year.
i wonder if thats frustrating to him. :blanyer:
team has talent just need to match it properly.
think he needs 2 or 3 more to beat the pens record?(for his age) or is it another record?(NHL record?)
so he got it? I couldn’t watch tonight
very wicked
nhl record
Congrats Sindney!! Youngest player ever in the NHL to reach 100 points!!
yeah I got to the game at 7:25 and it was sold out even standing room. awesome game awesome showing. congrats to him. the team is turning around a lot in the end of the year and playing more to their potential.
sweet game and he got to 100…