well its starting to get down to the wire for a cross country trip some buddies and i have been planning and i need alittle help. the trip is a 3 week 8500mi journey to pretty much every big city on the map besides the big ones in the north east. but also includes yellowstone as well as desert camping. camping is pretty much our only form of lodging besides cities where we have family/friends. I have exhausted my brain trying to think of everything we would need as a group for camping, car, big cities. any non personal items which need to be brought with us. tents, fix a flats etc.
if anyone has gone on something like this or can give me their 2 cents on what they think a group would need for this please post. i have an exhausted list of community gear we need but i dont want to miss something huge. thanks everyone and only serious answers please. i leave on the 11th.
oh and ps, here is a link to our route, minus orlando. http://www.rit.edu/~jcr2534/route3.gif if anyone is anywhere along this route and wouldnt mind a tent in your woods for a night please PM me.