cruise....bikes, cars, trucks, guys, girls


where are the girls? dont hype something up and then not deliver. :Idiots


wow don’t google “Girls?” at work


I’m a girl?

no your not. Your Justins malfunctioning real doll

Uh no. My own GF cant drive my car. :crazy

You better have some crazy tricks I dont know about.

You sir are not a girl

Your a mindfuck on the eyes that appears as a girl, but your really packing heavier heat than deadbeat

I don’t really want to drive yours, I want to drive Nicks.
I thought using that line would be the best way to get my point across however. :lol

And WTF crazy tricks are you talking about?

I don’t know if Ron or 'Kenzie’s statement is funner.

+rep to both.

Sounds like it’d be a good ride, I’ve still not pulled my bike out from the winter yet…

You tell me.

That would be illegal.

Figured as much.

Sorry, against girl code to tell boys the secrets to our mind games.


im not a girl and u seem to always spill the beans to me whether u mean to or not. guess im special. :retardclap

Yeah, I guess you are kinda special.

I will drive the s4 for rolling shots

I called it first! I’ll fight you for it!

Hmm well I have driven it on many occasions so I win automatically