Cruise for my dad-RESCHEDULED for 7/29, rain or shine

Ok, thanks. It would not be that soon anyone. Once some more people chime in, I’ll pick a date and set some specifics.

Sundays we perfect for me as well

It’s all about the weather for me like I said so i won’t know until a couple of days before hand at best.

any sunday works.


Now that I’ve had dad home a couple times, I’ve got a grasp on what his current needs are and what not.

Without going into too much detail, it’s going to be a lot easier if we just meet him at his nursing home in Elizabethown. There is ample, flat parking directly across from it for us all to park, and then I can wheel him over.

So, with that said, here is my purposed date/route/etc

When-Sunday, July 15th.

The plan-

Meet at Exit 8 PnR@noon. Depart at 1230.

Take the Northway up to exit 31, and head over to the nursing home. I’ll lead the way from there, it’s only about ~5 miles from the exit and very easy. If everyone is cool with this, I’ll post exact directions. (for the way back I’ll give a backroad route that I’ll actually drive back on for a bit)

Like I said, there is a very large parking lot right across from his home, and there is also a Stewarts and Grand Union directly next to the parking lot. Good chance for food/fuel etc.

I’ll call ahead on the way, and make sure that he’s awake (he normally is during the afternoon). If he’s not, we can just eat/fuel/shoot the shit for a bit.

Then of course I’ll bring him over to see all of the cars and people that got together and took a ride in his regard. I’ll probably keep it as a surprise to him, so I’m sure that saying he would be happy to see everyone would be an understatement.

Guys, I’d really, really, really appreciate if we could pull this off. It’s been a terrible year for myself and my family. I’ve been able to express that on here-my father could not. As some of you already know, he’s basically died once this year (had to be recessitatied), his wife/my mom suffered a TRAGIC death on what was supposed to be one of me and my dad’s best day together (my mom died when me and my dad were at the race track), and since then, he’s battled several bouts of aspiration pneumonia…during the last one, I had a DR tell me that he was going to flat out NOT get better (at that time he was laying in a bed, being fed thru his nose, arms locked over chest, not able to move or talk). He’s making a great recovery from that, and I’m sure this would be a help. Not just to him, but to me too. Our family is small, and the support is minimal to say the least. Some of the best help (well most of it frankly) has come from non family members, and to get a bunch of car guys together would be awesome!

Let’s discuss, and let’s do it for him.

wheres exit 8 (im not familiar with them all) and ill deff try my best to be there family means the world to me so to help another with theres is somthing worth doing

Northway exit 8-there is a Park N Ride.

got it just looked it up

travis if i was home from afghanistan i def would!

hes in my prayers bro

BAH I’m in NYC that day

IN. You’re on the calendar. Weather permitting the Viper will be there. If not Jimmy aint scared of any rain, yall are just gonna have to wait for me.

i’m going to try to make this as my first “cruise” in the TA. couldn’t ask for a better cause

Thanks guys! I’ll keep everyone posted if anything changes, but I don’t see why anything would. It’s about an hour and a half ride from the PnR if anyone is wondering.

Big relief today-I had not heard back from my powder coater in a few days (he normally responds quick). He’s got the intake and TB for the car, and they will be done mid-week. Plenty of time to get it buttoned back up for this.

delayed nyc for a week. Im in for this

Will try my best. Be sure to post another thread so everyone knows the date is set.

Thanks-edited this thread with the date, etc.

going to try my best to make it

unfortunately I cant make it because Im going to CT with my father

Travis, id be in for this but i have to work until 5.