Cruise Night's....

Rookies has started again. I went there tonight for the opener. It is called “The ball Park” now. Had about half a parking lot tonight. No beer yet, they are awaiting their license.


actually isnt it may 18th


Actually it’s the 23rd.


Did something happen to it or are you just not looking forward to the swooning of ghetto thug wannabes when they see a Supra?


I guess a combination of the two you mentioned. The crowd is full of asshats, especially in the import section. Just a bunch of really dumb kids. I also remember some dumb girl with about 10 metal bracelets on leaning on the car. I was not too happy about that either even though the paint on my car is anything but perfect.

If we can organize a night to meet up at a certain cruise night other than S&R im totally down.


Polish Falcons is this thursday,decent cruise.


yeah i try making this cruise all of the time…love it and soo close 2 home


Rookies has started again. I went there tonight for the opener. It is called “The ball Park” now. Had about half a parking lot tonight. No beer yet, they are awaiting their license.


Damn this one and Polish Falcons are on Tues and Thursday, right when I have class. Fucking school.

sabres this thursday, no crusing