Cruise The Hub 2005

Just reminding everyone today is my home town’s annual car cruise. I am going to try and stop down at least for the burnouts and snag some pics. If anyone stops out for this hit me up… I only live a block away.

i will be attending acutally getting some of my stuff together now… if you see me say hi, will be wearing a white pittspeed shirt and most likely have a camera in my hand!

I’ll be in an orange shirt with a #21 on theback… say hi to me! :smiley:

I think I will be wearing my pittspeed shirt too, but the back is stained to high hell so I dunno… but i’ll be around

buy a new one!

I already have 2! How much more do you want me to add to your t-shirt empire? :rofl:

BTW, a bunch of cars and trucks are already there. Mr. E with the huge orange truck with 4WS has his truck out too. It’s sweet.

you always wear the white shirt with a camera in hand

burnouts at 6! I’m on my way out there now. 724 622 9749 if you need to contact me

i have a lot of white shirts… what can i say.

we were there for a few hours, good show lots of cool cars. some peoples attitudes could be better but oh well… it was funny, a guy goes to me i did not know your car was an old car… i pointed to a new thunderbird across from me… I said yeah its a year older then that car…

:rofl: :owned: