wish i saw this earlier, i wouldve went

^yea me too. definitely would have gone

Fuck my AODE :lol

still no tranny ha adam ?ya ever get it back to him and see what happened

time for a t56

ford fail ftl


good night though haha

I would deff be down if it was another night !!

you should of came

It was def good for what it was…gotta do one again sometime this week

Hell yea kinda cold but still fun.

we gotta get mad kids to go i think itd be mad fun

maybe some ricans can come too :ninja


:facepalm babys momma

Rican brought the bike from me im on there good side now lol.

hahahah yeah until the damn thing blows up:Idiots then were fucked

They know were i live to so im prolly dead. Fucking retard takes the bike and parks it in the dirt after he gave me all the money and it rains and the bike falls over retard.

well do it again this week…that z sounds pretty good!

that z ???what ya talkin bout willis?