
im all about Taco Bell all the way.

and thats why the scene sucks around here…

to say “the scene sucks around here” is BS because you want to drive to Kingston on a week night to get Sonic.

The scene really isnt as terrible as everyone yaps about. We have cars, more than a lot of places. (You cant compare albany to E-town, TX, CA, miami)

I made a small post, had 30+ cars out that friday night. Was super last minute.

Problem is people cant organize anything.

Amen to that. Go to North Dakota and see how the scene is there. We dont have it as bad as the vrybabies make it seem. We have a FEW regular meeting spots, with anywhere from 15-150 people/cars, racing every weekend that it doesnt rain, and a nice selection of cars. Not a bad scene at all imo…

Hey guys im going to be cruising to hvcc tomorrow around 915 if you want to tag along :rofl

+1 100% agree.

Driving all the way to Kingston on a week night is stupid as fuck, and to judge the “local scene” on that is asinine. A cruise from point “A” to point “B”, with both points “A” and “B” being 15 or 30mins away from each other is 100% fine.

im down for something around the capital district area/ anywhere not a half hour away from my house:lol

pussy, the lot is like 45min from my house, i dont wanna hear your shit!

quoted for truff!!!

hey now chill out i wasnt serious. sheesh :Idiots

:lol just fucking with ya

haha alright. so when are we doing this thangggg?

thats what i wanna kno

My god damn NOS boost timer controller went out again, count me out

the scene around here only sucks for people that leave their cobras in the garage and drive volkswagons around, when theres plenty of people around looking to race…maybe it the driver that sucks in that case? Yeah theres bullshit that goes on around here, but it definitley doesnt suck. And who the fuck drives to sonic over an hour away, thats boring as hell, the point of a cruise is to do all around driving not set your cruise control.


+100000000000000 x 40

I know your car isnt set up to hit back roads and shit but in early summer I organized a cruise up to Sacandoga lake, Hit a amazing winding road all the way around the lake, across the damn and to the village of lake george and got pizza…it was a 15-20 car turn out and everyone that went said they loved the route…it was fun as hell when you can bang gears and fly through the 90-180* turns and come into a huge straight away and let her rip.

Hmmm… BIG REDDDDD whats going on? r we going or what??