Crysis 2 leaked

For those of us PC gamers, and anyone who loved the orignal Crysis. Crysis 2 Dev Kit was leaked onto the internets a few days ago. The whole as EA says “beta version” of the game was leaked, along with the master key for multiplayer authentication.

Chances are the games going to be a little delayed from thsi as their going to have to rewrite a few things.

Anyways, downloading now… should be done in a few hours

Game looks FUCKING AMAZING… Talk about eye candy fucking awesomeness

holy fuck, you might have to return your PC to sears to get a better model!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

This was all over the torrent sites. Not even going to bother, my shit wont run it lol

SO far its pretty cool. The begining cut scene, the voices like echo and are hard to hear. Other than that the only other issue I’ve had is in the first level theres a helicopter and its really loud and you constantly here it, and the first weapon you pick up the sound doesnt work right…

After that its pretty good thou… Running on Hardcore settings at 1920x1080 and getting around ~40FPS… Not to bad

Honestly I doubt im going to finish it, and just buy it on release date. How the “nano” suit works seems much more refined, and theres “upgrades” based on how you like to play.

Do you play any of the Half-Life mods? The legit free ones I mean? lol Pirates, Vikings, and Knights is pretty fun. And there was some twisted metal wanna be one that was fun too.

This is about Crysis 2 ReDevil :lol

No I have not though. Once in awhile I go searching through the mods and check em out thou. Havent done it in awhile.

need a nice computer to run Crysis any one elts going to be playing when it comes out?

Might dl this when a full version comes out. Can’t wait for bf3. Probably going to go sli before that.

Sent from my Droid

sweet we can be BF3 buddiesssss

i roll ati lol

I’ll be playing it on xbox most likely.

Looks like a refreshed version of the Halo series.

Watching that video brought me years back to playing first level Halo on original Xbox and loving how immersive that game play and world is.

Okay? :crazy

Can I get in on that sweet action? :rofl

HEY! This isnt about BF3 SHADY Its about dogs. I have a scottie.

you dont know what sli iS?

You mean Crossfire?

SLi = Nvidia
Crossfire = ATi

But yes, I know perfectly well what it is… Just trying to figure out where your “I roll ATi” comment came from as it had nothing to do with anything said before

I think he was just saying he uses inferior equipment.

Actually the ATi’s arent to shabby. Crossfire still blows dick but their cards are pretty legit.

well i use amd and i over clock so ati is better.

But what kind of dogs do you guys have?