CSCS 2009

nice, going to come cheer you guys on this year. Shannonville would be nice.

is there gonna be qualifying this year. or is it a best of 8 or whatever kinda deal.

Most likely qualifying will be done in the morning, although we know thats not the ideal situation and are looking at other options. Unfortunatly Cayuga wont let us do strict drift days, and dunnville wont. So besides oval tracks (which we are looking into) our only option is shannonville we can become a bit expensive to run as just qualifying dates.

Shannonville is the most drift-friendly track, they’ll definetely let you do strict drift days. Maybe its possible in the budget to do just 1 full driftday and hold regular CSCS days at cayuga.

thanks for clearing that up for me. ill see u guys at the track
good luck with getting everything together cant wait.

If we do a shannonville day we will most likely incorporate it with a time attack day. (Similar to our Shannonville event last year)

Interested in the manitory ‘coached’ lap or any other info on the track and rules, as it will most likely be my first time tracking.

Also, what days are open lapping?

on a side note, Conky, plz plz plz have videos of your civic going sideways. i dont mean to sound like a fanboy, but i’ve watched and have come to love some of your vids on youtube.

fwd drifto ftmfw!:slight_smile:

i do say tehre be a group for newbs as i too want to do this and i dont want to ruin the experience for the pro drivers out there

I honestly don’t think a coached lap should be necessary. If people can’t listen to (and remember) the very few rules there are for these events, you should not be on the track.

We split the cars up generally into two group, intermediate and advanced. The idea is that beginners are in the intermediate group while the experienced guys drive in advanced. However, drivers are able to allocate themselfs into groups also based on their car. If a experienced driver comes out but is driver a smart car (has yet to be done lol) he may feel more comfortable in the intermediate group. Reason for the split is to reduce the passing.

As for the coached lap it isnt mandatory, unless we notice that you really need it. It is recommended that first time drivers speak up and ask for advice. Any of our marshals, along with most if not all of the experienced drivers are always willing to lend a hand. Dont be afraid to ask.

These groups are for time attack

Ride alongs in the Skyline available, but you have to buy me lunch…

I would agree with Conky on the mandatory ride alone/instruction for first timers or for anybody that’s confused with any high-pace track day or other forums of track event’s. Chris also offers some good advice, if your not sure ask and if you need instruction there are lots of guys willing to help others out, if you can’t find any help then look me up…. I’ll be driving the black RX7.

I have to agree with Jim and Conky here. Last year there were a few scenarios where I was passed in a very unsafe manor (entering a corner) while I was awaiting a signal from the driver in front of me. Had I not been keeping an eye on my mirrors there would have been a collision if I took my usual line. I know you guys cant babysit, and cant see everything that goes on, but there are far more inexperienced drivers whenever you have such a high volume of cars at one event. The rules were very clear to me in the drivers meeting but maybe these people were not listening or not even there.

I would be more than willing to take new drivers out for a few laps in the GTR.

^ Im assuming that the “meeting” everyone is talking about was held before anyone was allowed on the track? Hopefully if I do attend, I’ll come early not to miss any information and such.

Is there any word on a grand bend event? Just asking because it is the closest event to me and usally the only one I can really get to

Ill try to bring the civic out when ever I can. I want to play with the S14 mainly. If I can get a volunteer to drive the civc to Cayuga and back ill bash it in the drift comp for the fans!

Glad you enjoy the vids…I am putting together a 4x4 snow vid that is rather entertaining.

This is good. Now you have a choice between two sweet Skylines, Rx7 and my S14 for your ‘coached’ laps. Anyone else intersted?

sorry jim had to edit your post

Ya the drivers meeting is held in the morning.

Unfortunatly we had to cut the Grand Bend event from the schedule this year.

I gotcha. None the less, im interested in seeing w.e you record haha.

I’ll see if I can bring my HD camcorder out aswell, catch some action.

Im down for anything, even if its in a tercel lol.