CSCS 2009

2009 CSCS Dates (Tentative)

  1. Season Opener
    May 31 (Sun.) @ TMP

  2. Battle of the Provinces
    July 12 (Sun.) @ Napierville

  3. Xtreme Tuner Challenge
    Aug. 23 (Sun.) @ TMP

  4. Fall Classic
    Sept. 13 (Sun.) @ St. Thomas

  5. Season Finale
    Oct. 4 (Sun.) @ TMP

Drifting schedule/info is still to be confirmed but there will be no drifting at St. Thomas for sure (no space) and you can expect to see drifting at ALL three TMP events

Just to clarify, seeing as how I’m probably not the only one curious…

Will we be having any sort of problems drifting at TMP or are we going to have to deal with complaints and possible cancellations because of it?

cant wait

Awesome, Chris! Can’t wait for this year!!

When is the awards banquet for the '08 season?

sweet! this season should be awsome! talked to chris, sounds like he has some good ideas, cant wait.

i would like to see some oval tracks on the wouldnt have any problems with noise complaints. and would be a good atraction for fans to come and check it out!

Would have been nice to see one event in June, Is there a possibility of another event added to the schedule?

^^ I agree completely. Oval tracks are where it’s at!!!

TMP is no fun at all… Big ass banks are!!

What / Where is “TMP” ?

I was hoping to see some shannonville but i guess its too impractical.

Im putting an lsd on my civic this season…gonna try to make top 15 in drift this year…lol

For the open lapping, it seemed last year there were alot of new drivers. A good thing of coarse. However, I saw alot of interesting lines and some people had no idea what the passing rules were. The drivers meeting didnt seem to cut it in most cases. Any chance new drivers take a manditory ‘coached’ lap so they learn the rules and are shown by example?

Just thought it may help…See yah in may!

Cayuga, Ontario

I cant wait! lapping is going to be mad fun!! i hope i can get a skyline before last day of season! if not just use the S14

We will be releasing more information in regards to how the drifting will be run closer to the start of the season. As of right now it looks like drifting will be run that same was as last year. We are looking into some Oval track events with the help of the guys at Intense but I cannot promise anything yet.

We still do not have a banquet date. Expect it to be in late April or early May though.

Essentially the May 31 date is our June event. There is a POSSIBILITY we will hold a June event for the road coarse guys (drift/time attack) at Shannonville.

We want it to happen aswell…Im not sure if its possible though. We will see

We are always trying to teach new drivers the lines, and rules. We will hopefully have some new guidlines in place for 2009. We also appreciate any of the experienced drivers who are willing to lend a hand at teaching the new guys

Any Idea on the pricing for the drifting by any chance?

There was a huge limit to the time drifters had, and the cost was basically the same, in total, as a normal drift day out at shannonville. I personally would like to see some more competitive prices, nothing ridiculous, but for the amount of time there was on hand, it could be slightly better.

No news on pricing, pricing will be a relfection of how the format is. So untill I know how the drifting will be run we wont have pricing.

As for last years pricing the cayuga days were $60 (cheaper if you got a season pass). It will definetly not be cheaper. The logistics of running a competition alone is worth that price before the cost of the track is even considered. Unfortunatly with TMP’s rule of 2 drift cars at a time on the track practice is cut down a lot and I apologize for that but there isnt much we can do. Given the circumstance we try our best.

Edit: I’d also like to point out for 2008 we offered rebates such as “bring a new driver who has not previously competed at CSCS and save $10” essentially you sign up 6 new drivers and you come for free. Besides Chris St John, no one took up this offer. We also had discounted season pass pricing and besides 3 or 4 drivers no one took up this offer either.

Very nice!..That would work forsure

Alright, thanks a lot. Glad you’ve responded in a well manured fashion with reasonable detail. I’ll be looking forward to this years competition, seeing as how unfortunately last year I could not compete do to time/car issues. This year I will be competing. So essentially, considering I haven’t before, who wants to grab me as a referred??? It’ll save you $10 :wink: lol

hey hey hey, not saying were doing the deal again…but maybe haha

glad to hear youll be out competing this year