CSCS Season Final - Sat. Oct. 6 2007 @ TMP Cayuga

CSCS Season Final

Sat. Oct. 6 2007
11am – 600pm
Toronto Motorsports Park, Cayuga

Event Highlights Include:
Drag Racing – Canada’s Fastest Pro and Street Drag Cars. Canadian records will be broken.

Time Attack – First annual CSCS Time Attack Championship at stake for most classes.

Drifting – With 5 Drivers in looking to claim the CSCS Drift Championship, Ontario’s drifters will definitely put on a good show.

Show & Shine – Come see hundreds of show cars competing for top honours in there classes.

For More info visit or call 905 209 0000

Lets get a list going…who’s planning on attending?

  1. Chris (krazykoncepts)

I’m going :slight_smile:

Im coming…grip and drift!!!

Anyone want to battle the civic…im taking advanced reservations :slight_smile:

i’m down, but when does practice for drifting start? more details? and are the drifters going to get more track time? we had like 30min of practice and competition lasted 30min for the top 16, then 15min, then 5min and we had to wait 2hrs + to go on the track again each time.

it would be nice if we could get more track time and not have to wait too long.

hopefully it works out in the end! looking forward to it

Im doing the drift this time…what time do gates open i wanna be there as eartly as possible to get practice and set up ect… alos how much is the registration at the track on the day ?

  1. Chris (krazykoncepts)
  2. Peter (Pantaloons racing)

Ahh family plans.

I would have to agree with samson, the drifters get screwed over everytime with like 30 minutes of track time, and they always hurry them. From a crowd part of view i would much rather see drifting then guys going around the track gripping.

My opinion is probably biased but this is how i feel and it being the last event i would like to see these guys get the time they deserve for the money they are paying to be out there.

is it possible to just practice drifting if im not in the event? i wanna hit up cayuga track for some drifting but i dont wanna enter this cscs jazzness.
let me know on the cost if so.
im going no matter what anyways, Year end…there is no reason why people should miss it

I kinda agree too its expensive jsut to use the track for a short time…need more practice time!..still like to know my questions.:stuck_out_tongue:

that is tru when drifting stops. u watch more then half the crowd walk away.

i can walk around with my S1DC shirt on and have alot of the show and shine guys asking me when the drifting is going to start again.

A few events ago we had all the fans in the drag strip watching us instead of the drag strip while they boys were puttin on a show.

Trust me Drift is getting very popular. Lapping looks bad.

I should be down there :slight_smile: first time showing for the 240sx this season

well thats if tuning goes well this week.

we will be there as usual. good time. i agree with the getting screwd over point of view, also the crowd like us more. im sorry but l think if we are going to make drifting a sport in ontario than lets push it! the number one thing to do when marketing anything is to get as much of it as possible out there.

I agree with Samson 100%,

I feel sorry for how bad drifting is treated at the CSCS events. The factor that drifting has to go one car at a time and grip can go all together is a joke, its a race track, not a go-kart facility, too much noise at a racing facility ? What a joke, give me a break. Its funny how everyone has to pay to get in to the park too, even though they are participating, I bet just that pays for the track alone, and than we pay to drift again ? Thats even more money. Ok, now we payed everything and lets drift, but wait, theres another problem: yes we might get an hour practice time or more, but when there are 20 cars, and each car has to go seperately, everyone gets what, 5 laps of practice ? Than we wait an hour or two, and get to do two runs ? Than wait another hour or two, and another two runs ?

And then people ask why don’t more people who have cars drift ? It explains things clearly, there is hardly any track time, and if there is, it costs too much, so when people do try and go drift, they break their cars, and never want to go again because they cant get better due to the lack of track time. The reason the sport is so big in the states and in japan is because there are race tracks you can hit up for 50 dollars for the whole day and drift. Noone cares about safety or noise, because you sign a waiver, its a fucking extreme sport what do you expect. If your going to take your expensive car racing, you should know better than shits gonna happen, and not complain to the park that only one car should go on at a time because you dont want your car to get hit. If your so fucking paranoyed go to BMW driving school. Get real, Ontario sucks for drifting unless someone with a decent amount of money sets up a better drift event system.

The competition at CSCS is sick, except what I’ve stated above. I would go but I’d rather save my money and tires for an event where I can actually drift, make mistakes, go OUT ON THE TRACK, AGAIN, RIGHT AFTER I change my tires, NOT wait in line, and DRIFT, and have fun, and chill with friends while im there, talk to them about drifting, and DRIFT AGAIN after that, and than drive home thinking about how sick it was to drift the whole day. Waiting sucks, thats why people prefer lapping days because you actually get to drive the whole time, if you got to drift the whole time, people would drift too. So yeah, another day full of waiting just doesnt cut it for me, even if i qualify to top whatever. See you guys at an actual drift event.

Thats a very good point. What do the show and shine guys pay? The drifters attract people to the event. We should only have to pay what the hardparkers pay.

Why is lapping part of the day anyways? I’m not ripping on grippers, I like grip as much as anyone but its not a spectator sport. If you did away with the lapping I doubt anyone would miss it, except the drivers that is, but there is tons of grip days to attend. CSCS is supposed to be a massive car “show”. Theres not a whole lot of show in lapping.

thats why i went to fobwall’s GRIP event.

i think i did more drifting in his GRIP event than i do in CSCS drift events.

these above questions are very valid and i can see the answers for them.

here they are:

grippers pay more and there are 3x more of them= they should get more time. but how much time should they get compared to the drifters? grippers pay $120-140 iirc

drifters pay $80

i can say we get approx 2hr of being on the track, not even the actual driving time (it took 30min for the top 16 disqualification and we had to get off right after, we finished 15min for the top 10 or 6 or watever, still had to get off right after…). i think the most amt of laps ppl can get is 15laps, and thats if you come in the top 3 or watever. for those who get disqualified, they get maybe 4 runs including practice time lol. and in drifting, even the best drivers can get disqualified in the first round. drifting is never 100% predictable, anything can happen (i don’t want those who don’t drift saying “its your fault your not good enough bs”)

grippers get at least 1.5hrs each session, and they don’t have to wait. this should be taken into account.

however, i can see CSCS making the effort in integrating drifting into their schedule but this needs to be more evident in future events. because if this continues, i can see the regulars that make it out to these events not attending and just hosting their own events, or going to the states if there is nothing in Ontario.

i believe CSCS wants to expand drifting, but they need to take this approach another way. Look at all the pics when ppl are drifting. People GATHER around the track and go buckwild when they see some good drifts. I think the crowd of drift watchers is 100x more than when grip time attack happens. People watch for a few laps but after, they walk away cause its the same thing over and over (not saying grip isn’t fun to watch, but at a non-competitive level it gets boring)

hopefully these suggestions will be taken into serious consideration, before the goal of expanding drifting becomes the opposite and actually discourages drifters in attending CSCS events.

There have been many valid points brought up in this thread, and I would like to shed some light from an organizers perspective.

In regards to only allowing two cars on the track at once. This is cayuga’s rule not ours. If we could get around this we would however CSCS has no option.

In regards for the track time, yes we understand it is limited However, lets use last event for example. We had 50 time attack cars pre-register. On Friday morning I only had FOUR drifters pre-registered. How can we at CSCS possibly allocate a full day of track time for drifters when there are only four cars pre-registered?

And for the mention of the actual amount of time we made it clear you were to be ready to hit the track at 9am. It is not our fault if drivers are ready or not. Some drivers were ready and had 3 hours of track time before any eliminations began. Keep in mind many track days are only 4 hours long.

We had a drivers meeting in spring to discuss the season, goals for the Ontario drift scene, and what the drivers want, and although I cannot recollect exactly how many people came the number was around 6. If you have a real concern and truly want to help the scene grow your best option is to contact myself via pm, email or phone. Bashing CSCS will not help this case.

I have mentioned this to many of the drivers and will post it here as well. We at CSCS want to grow drifting as much as possible. However, we need the support from YOU (the drivers)

I would also like to mention that I am not trying to point fingers. We obviously have not done everything right, but I also believe that it is wrong to say it is all our fault.

^^ good post, but i don’t believe ppl meant to bash cscs, just voice a growing concern in a subtle way and give some positive criticism.

i think another big concern is actual practice time. just practice session, no competition. theres no real improvement in having just competitions without practice. Yes, theres practice during the competition but that isn’t enough in my opinion. Drifters need to constantly drive and get the feel for it without stopping after each lap.

I’ve talked to you about this before and I 100% agree with you about having no DEDICATED drifters pre-pay. It makes it impossible for CSCS and other organizations to front the money and have no one come. This is something US, drifters, need to make the effort to pre-pay to give CSCS a heads up on what to expect.

With this being said, it seems that the nature of drifting is like that. From what i see, each drift event there are AT LEAST 15ppl who show up. No matter where it is, that amt has been the fewest we have had (Aug 11th). I think once drift events are set up regularly its safe to assume there will be at least 15 people who will show up. I personally think the reason for low attendence for the past event is because people don’t want to pay $80 and get kicked out right away and call it a day.

If it were a practice session run by CSCS, i can almost guarantee at least 1.5x increase in attendence rate.

If you remember the first event at dunnville qualifying. There were AT LEAST 25 cars ready to drift. I think we had actually 30 and it was too much since it took 2hrs to qualify. It seems like solid statistics that practice sessions will have 2x more ppl show up compared to competitions.

Lets just run CSCS practice sessions and maybe max 1 or 2 competitions. Without practice, the competitions will always be the same without much increase in skill.

I’d be willing to sit down and help you brainstorm some ideas from a driver’s point of view, and hopefully others would be as well.

Nonetheless, CSCS has been doing a great job and is the only organization that has consistently put out events for us to attend.

Thanks for listening Chris!

edit: if doing practice sessions is a go, i think those who come regularly get first dibs and make the limit lower, like 25 cars MAX (try getting other tracks except for TMP). making the cap lower will increase the demand for ppl wanting to attend. people will put the effort to prepay, maybe not the first event of the season but i can guarantee the 2nd and 3rd and etc.

1st session of the season is a feeler to get attendence list and put that list together with prior lists and then make your list for the 2nd session. Give the heads up to the guys who have been coming out consistently and have a due date to respond and pre-pay. Also, give the option of early bird $ for those on this list, giving some incentive to pre-pay. Once that deadline is up, the remaining spots are open to the public at a normal cost. I can see this being REAL popular and helping ppl to pre-pay. Just a suggestion.

if you can set up a qualifying lapping session like you guys did first round im pretty sure a lot of people will attend and the qulifying people will get more track time under cayuga rules.

trying to have a drift practise then finish a competition also have a grip session all in one day makes hard to get everyone satisfied. its like have 3 girlfriends and try to go out w/ them all in one day. when it would be more satisfying to go out w/ them in different days and not trying to juggle them around in one day.