CSCS : Cayuga (Courtesy of PureEuroM3)

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I love you!

Nice photos but you have to learn how to set up your shutter speed so that you capture motion shots with the background moving rather than still.

yeah, like this!

First time shooting drift…I shall learn just you wait :slight_smile:

The white R32 needs spacers badddd. Nice pics though! Porsche is sick!

If I hear one more person say a car needs spacers I’m going to go postal!

When people stop putting weak ass rims on their cars then people will stop saying it. :smiley:

That’s the thing, you should just put nice rims on the car to begin with. Not shitty ricer MR7s, and then put spacers on it to make it flush. Still looks retarded.

I saw that exact Porsche parked at Lowblaws last month. LOL

less talk, more posting videos and pictures!!!