CSCS Grand Bend event.

Hey guys, I’m not sure if many of you have seen the post about the July 17th CSCS event, but I would like to give you some more insight on what’s going on at that event.

I am helping Chris from CSCS organize the gymkhana/drift event.

Firstly, this is going to be wild. It’s 2 minutes away from the beach, so everyone should bring towels and swimming attire. Now a bit more in regards to the actual event.
You can see all the things that will be going on in this thread:

Grand Bend has the fastest drag strip in Ontario, so if you’re into drag racing, you will probably be able to set your best time yet there. The show and shine competitors receive good prizes as well, so all those with show cars, I encourage you to come show off your rides. Now to the more interesting stuff:

We are hoping to set up 2 simultaneous gymkhana courses. All of them will have proper timing equipment and competitors will be able to show their skill against other drivers as well as the clock. We have an idea for the pricing, but it still has to be finalized. Let me just tell you, it’s SO cheap that you would be stupid not to do it. I will speak to Chris further regarding the pricing and post it in this thread later. Here is what the tentative course will look like:

We’re going to be testing this layout tonight and if there are any changes, I will let you guys know so you can go practice it (if you want to win of course).

Drifting will be free to those who are participating in gymkhana and autocross. It will be a course setup for those who want to burn off some rubber, and practice for the gymkhana.

Overall, I’d like to say that this is a huge opportunity for everyone to get their name out. The event has over 3,000 spectators including lots of sponsors. The prizes to those who win will cover all your costs of coming and then some. The track itself is same distance from Toronto as Shannonville. Finally you can put your skills to the test, no more smack talking about who’s a better driver, come to the event and we will all find out there.

Please feel free to give me your thoughts on the event. I’d like to organize a convoy to Grand Bend, maybe even the night before so people can party it up at the beach.

ya cscs is wicked i went to all of them lastyear

vip passes own

sounds like a fun event… i went to one last year but found it a little unorganized? anyway… kevin and dwayne are cool guys… and they have a sick shop! (canjam)

Well I’ll try to keep gymkhana and drifting as organized as possible, you can blame me if you don’t like something :smiley:

That looks like a sick course.

Who gets the credit for that one?

Sucks i’m working.

Always on Sundays.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, im camping that fucking weekend.


That sucks. I’m about an hour away and I don’t have a car. :?

Will there be any more similar events in the future?

Words I never thought I would hear Pavel say…err type…

If my coils come in time I am down.
Hopefully my exhaust will stay together…

i am in aswell grandbend is only an hour from me to i will bring the car out to…only thing is i havent receved my membership card yet so how will i be able to get a discount thanks

This should be good times :slight_smile:

Here are some updates.
The gymkhana course will be a 1st gear ONLY course, you may choose to shift into 2nd of course, but it would probably be a bad idea.

Here is what the proper distances are, you will notice that there will be no more snake in the end because it becomes too complicated:

this gona be fun, gotta love the 7800rpm ca limiter !!

Spectators? Would like to see you guys doing your thing while I chill on the beach

:arrow: “The event has over 3,000 spectators including lots of sponsors.”

^^ saw that I’m trying to figure out if its going to cost anything

edit thanks mikeness forgot about this thread

:arrow: “The event has over 3,000 spectators including lots of sponsors.”[/quote]

the last cscs’s ive been to never had anywhere near that many people but hopefully this one will

3000 through the show… not all at the same time./.


I dont think i’ve sceen 3000 at any cscs event…hopfully we can do it with this one :smiley:

July 17 Event Details

SON240SX Members Pricing (With Valid Membership Card Only)

  • Spectate: $17 at the gate / $10 prepaid
  • Drag Race: Heads up $40 (Prepaid) / Test N’ Tune or Bracket $30 (Prepaid)
  • Show n’ Shine: $17 spectator fee + $10 registration or $20 Prepaid
  • Gymkhana and AutoSlalom (Solo 2): $15 prepaid
  • Bikini and Wet T-Shirt Contest Free to enter ($500 prize)

At the gate
-Spectate: $17

  • Drag Race: Heads up $50 / Test N’ Tune or Bracket $40
  • Show n’ Shine: Spectator fee and $10 at registration
  • Gymkhana and Autoslalom: $17 + $10 registration
  • Bikini and Wet T-Shirt Contest Free to enter

1ST Overall

All winners will receive trophies and prizes.

To register go to our site