CSCS Season Final - Sat. Oct. 6 2007 @ TMP, Cayuga

Yea the show was ok. Didnt even know mike at innovative was there until the end of the night when i saw the him and the car in the staging lanes. Well here are some pics I took.
And for the Rx7 lovers.
Here are 2 pics of the girls i seen.


what did mike run


lol @ j.tran


lol @ j.tran


2 soon jr

I had some video during the time attack with a wide lens. but thanks to someone recording over it now I have nothing to show or see.

Regardless it was a awesome time. I ended up breaking the tranny… but oh well… winter project… lets make it better…

Thanks mike and speedracer(i forgot your first name) for being there and helping me out get back home till the end. Your support was priceless!


Voltron took second place in Super Street Power Adder drag racing. I have champagne all over me from the toast on the podium.

I lost to a 2JZ single turbo powered Corolla with a built turbo 400 and a Ford 9" rear etc. in the final. Of course they trailered it there and down the return road, plus had a crew of around 10. I drove Voltron up there, raced all day by myself, and drove home making this pretty darn satisfying for a first event.

I wish my crew could have been there. It was a great time and I really needed the help. I spent the whole day running around like a nut. Thanks JasV for helping me out. Today would have really stunk without ya.

All day I struggled driving the car. Every single launch was either violent wheel hop or a bog no matter what I did. It’s a combination of the snappyness of the way the power comes on, the overall power level for the street tires I run, and the lack of rear bias that I normally have when the DCCD interface box is working. I had to run today at full 12V lock on the center diff and the rears just kept hopping while the fronts spun.

In car video to come but for now I’m going to sleep. I wish we had out of car, but nobody came to take any…


Mike’s so humble…he was nailing:pimp: the pro tree .400 lights better than anyone there.
Your a natural

Way to go on first place in class Mike!!!

You know Jason I thought about it more yesterday and i think most of the launching issue was from the way I had to lock the DCCD Saturday. When you have full 12V constant on the diff you’re sending way too much torque to the front wheels making them spin like crazy and leaving the rears with enough that they hop but don’t spin.

I think the road race alignment I just got hurt as well. -3.5 camber in the front took even more front grip away and fixing the camber in the rear gave the rears more grip than they had the other time I ran the car.

Next time I’ll have a replacement DCCD interface, hopefully, and I’ll drop the tire pressure on the front, leave the rears, and send more power to the back to even things out. Hopefully I can get it to where all 4 spin a bit.

My times were awful due to the wheel hop and then bogging in second gear. I stayed in it a while since it was the final but still wasn’t getting far enough to go well in second. In the final I only trapped 2 MPH less than the winner, but ran .8 slower, and he was 2WD. Almost 6 of the 8 tenths were lost in the first 330’. UGH… I didn’t even match the ET I ran on low boost during engine break in despite trapping 5 MPH higher on a bad pass.

Thanks to Jason’s advice on the pro tree I did RT well on my last two runs. It almost came into play when I ran the golf in EESTI’s pic.

I didn’t have time to take pics but there was a sweet civic there from Maxwell Performance. They have a 9 second tube chassis D16 powered hatch. Yup…9’s on a D series. :slight_smile:

Some video is up:

It looks like your cameras missed Tits McGee hanging out in that yellow Ferrari 360.