Cuban "Welfare" Crisis - Found Him! *VIDS INSIDE*

Seeing this son of a bitch on the street was absolutely ridiculous.

i thought he bought an STi?*

Anyways, when we were rolling next to him for a good half mile, honking and staring him down, it was really really funny watching him try and keep looking forward, all rigid and scared… the guy was obviously trying to think of any friends to call in case a brawl went down, but we all know his only buddy packed up and skipped town to LA.

Oh well, might as well call Chino lex luther, because this shit was straight out of a retarded Smallville episode lol

edit: what a pussy. if he would have let us video tape him saying “i can’t pay up because I’m broke… all my money goes to child support since i’m a dead beat dad” i think we would be satisfied