Czar Van Jones resigns?

Is this true?

If so, good. Its hard to ignore what this guy has said and believes in because half of it is on video and another 1/4 is in printed media. This guy is a full out radical and racist. Although why some media focused on the whole 9/11 thing is beyond me, that was the least of it all.

But my question for all the obama nut swinngers out there (no offense meant), is why would obama allow this guy in, in the first place? Its no secret what van jones did, does and believes in. I mean come on he was even arrested back in 1994 for being in the Rodney King riots.

do you really need to ask why?

yes I do :ohyeah:

I know there is some people on here that will try to justify, so im intrested to hear!!

You can thank Glenn Beck for this one. He’s been digging into this guys past for weeks while the CNN’s and MSNBC’s tried to ignore it. Eventually enough people were talking about it the mainstream media had to start covering it.

I may not agree with this Jones guy but I see now why Beck focused on him.

“Jones is a co-founder of, a group that recently has been pressing advertisers to boycott Beck’s program after Beck called Obama a racist.”

It is to bad this guy turned out to have a troubled past since he is very respected and well known across the world on major environmental issues

I did some research on Van Jones and found this piece with some amazing information. It seems that Beck is once again using internet rumors and changing facts to make this man sound horrible.

And the 9/11 Truth petition? Beck make that up too?

I love how they say, “well it’s taken out of context”. That works when you have one skeleton in your closet, not a graveyard full. People have seen enough of his bad decisions to say enough is enough and he had to resign.

The petition called for an investigation as to whether the government allowed 9/11 to happen. This idea is not so uncommon amongst the population just as the same idea followed the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Is it really a big deal to think that an investigation is needed to answer questions? I personally believe that the Bush Admin had nothing to do with it but I am not against a investigation that these people call for. I would be curious to see answers to the questions they propose.

I’m just confused about how everybody in this administration is called a “czar”

how is this any different than what the last administration did with appointing people they liked and what different characteristic makes them a czar?

because it is a way for the conservatives to scare people into thinking we are being taken over by communist Russia

lol AJ I could quote all of your posts on this topic… are you kidding me? Have you seen the videos of this guy? I dont think beck is changing videos now too. Van jones is bad news plain and simple. Like jaystypeS said “That works when you have one skeleton in your closet, not a graveyard full.” The info out there, regardless of glen beck, explains itself.

Having Van Jones is any type of power is like having Michael Vick watch your dogs.

I only have one other thing to say about Obama and Van Jones: You are the company you keep. (To me that is not a reassuring thought)

theblue: Alot of these positions have no proper name and its above “consultant” , so czar fits. There isnt alot of information about how these people operate, what their power is, what their pay is, what their staff and size are, etc. For the most part the “transparent” approach to this admin in this area is pretty dim.

ORLY? Have you seen any of the videos of this guy? Clearly you have not.

And do you really think he would step down because of someone like Beck using “internet rumors” and “changing facts”?

Meh, my “an asshole is still an asshole, even if i like his politics” view applies. Not sorry to see him go. Reverse racism is still racism :tdown:

Just curious the responses from the Fox News haters out there. Fox is right, none of the major news outlets but them would touch this story for weeks. If that doesn’t scream left supporting news media I don’t know what does.

I don’t like Fox News any more than I like CNN or MSNBC. Fox leans too far right and the other two lean too far left. I usually end up watching both Fox and CNN so I can find the truth somewhere in the middle.

Oh sure I turn off the news(for once) in order to have a decent holiday weekend and I miss the best news of the year. lol

Lou Dobbs is enough of a blubbering conservative vagina to cancel out the rest of CNN’s slight left lean. I think they’re the most balanced of the 3, not that they’re dead center.
I think that in this case Glenn Beck was the boy who cried wolf. If they responded to all of the nonsense he “uncovers” they’d be reporting 99% bullshit.

first, for calling Republicans “assholes” during a videotaped address earlier in the year

:lol: nice

You all sound like a bunch of uneducated buffoons in here. And Why does it always seem that the more posts you have on this forum, the more educated your posts are? I mean seriously. Grammar, puncutation, and general knowledge are always better from people who’ve made more posts.

lol Ive been doing the same thing

Sometimes when I really wanted to get stabbed in the ear I will flip on msnbc.

msnbc is still > fox news. at least they have some guys that are right of center. Fox had one guy that was a centrist, Colmes, and they shitcanned him.