D-SPORT event #1........JUNE 3

Round ONE stratotech park…

hope to see some good numbers out ppl…especially spectators!!!

tell all your friends…

$10 spectator
$100 driver… prizes, redbull, cash giveaways much more…

check the website for more info… WWW.D-SPORT.CA

w00t! Can’t wait. I think I’m gonna compete just for the hell of it. Either way it’s gonna be a time and a half.

B-Wurm :smiley:

im drivin up from lethbridge to buy a 240sx and watch then im goin up again on the 21 for indy :smiley: im sycted

Hope my car is running by then…

psyched…spell check is your friend…and yes i can not wait!!!

Hey, how long is the practice prior to the qualifying?

ummm usuall a hr or so…10-1130 then begin at 1200 or so…
more info will be posted…


where is stratotech park whats the addy

Its just north of Ft. Saskatchewan off Manning Drive.

you can find a map to the track and event schedule at www.d-sport.ca
if you plan on entering you should get their before 9am :E

My g/f is nice enough to come to this with me… on her birthday… :yeah:

Hopefully i will be there.

good to see quite a bit of response as this will be an awesome event


will it be an open space like bud park or will the full track layout be used for drifting?

Track event. Although I’m not sure which corners will be used. Anyone know if they’ll be the same ones as last year?

B-Wurm :smiley:

round one will be same as last yrs event, so ppl will be firmiliar… round 2 will be on a different part of the track, maybe a larger section… :stuck_out_tongue:

omg, i cant wait.