Dad punches teacher..

TAMPA, Fla. - A father marched into a classroom and punched a teacher’s assistant in the face after his teenage daughter accused the man of inappropriately touching her.

“I’m not real proud of what I did,” Dave F. Swafford, 42, told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “You have to protect your children, and my daughter does not lie to me.”

Swafford was charged with felony battery on a school employee after he hit the 35-year-old aide in front of a full class at Lakewood Ranch High near Bradenton on Tuesday, authorities said.

A Tampa radio station named him “Father of the Year,” offering Swafford and his family Daytona 500 race tickets.

The school placed the aide on paid leave Tuesday because of the allegation, district spokeswoman Margi Nanney said. The sheriff’s office is investigating.

Swafford said he came to school to meet with officials about his 15-year-old daughter’s allegations. When he saw that the aide was not at the meeting, Swafford asked his daughter to take him to the man.

They argued and “I lost control,” Swafford said. Swafford spent about 10 hours in jail before getting out on bail.

Looks like the skirt boy is going to lose the spot light. This guys the man!@!


they should drop the charges on the dad

what if the girl was lying? i mean women do have ho tendencies all of them!


ok so what would you do if you daughter came up to you and said a teacher was touching her? just let it go???

call the school but not punch the guy. working in the strip club made me see the ho side of every woman. no ifs ands or buts about it… every woman in the world has ho tendencies.

lol how?

ive seen the ugliest and best looking chicks suck dick for 20 bucks. my bro got 20 off a chick for letting her suck his dick… the next night she offered me as well but i turned it down… bitches fucking eachother with champagne bottles, eating box for a 10 spot, giving head as a tip to the dj or bouncer, prissy college girls coming in prudes and leaving cum guzzeling whores… ive seen it with them being sober and drunk as fuck. in the end it all came down to $1 or a drink. and i’m talking EVERYCHICK was a ho.

you said you worked at a strip club right???

well maybe thats why every girl you saw come in there was a whore??? just a thought, cuz not every girl will do that shit for any amount of money.

go to your local mall and you can get the same thing.

Damn… and all these years I HATED malls. You’re telling me there’s chicks bangin’ eachother w/ champagne bottles there!?! Sweeeeeeet.



There is something seriously wrong with you… I have never met a chick who would do any sexual thing for money… But maybe that is because I hang with a better crowd… Maybe you should do the same… As far as my daughter coming home and telling me her teacher was touching her inapropriately… Eurodad would have to race me to the ass whoopin’… Cause I think I would get him first… If my daughter was lieing… she would be next… The guy can get over the beating… Not to mention most parents have a pretty good sense of what their children are like… If they are good parents… they’ll know if it is the truth or not…

I agree with all of your points!
I know plenty of girls who would not perform and sexual favor for any amount of money. You worked at a strip club… I have been before- never saw a hot chick and never thought of them as anything less than scum. (In most cases)
I would kill the man who touched my daughter in a way that made her feel uncomfortable. Like wise, I would kill the man/priest/boyscout leader/woman who touched my son in a way that made him feel uncomfortable. Like she said- good parents will know if their children are lying or not.

Just because she is 15… and all women have this crazy tendencies, doesn’t mean she has developed them yet. How many 15 year olds were at your strip club. Don’t you dare say you ever had one. 15 and in Highschool is a LOT different than 18 and stripping.

what i got out of this whole post

cliff note : see jenn about girls

if she was genuine about it… i would of done the same… if she’s a story-making bitch… i’d just contact the school and see whats up

so you would take a law suit over what possibly might be a lie? And whats wrong with stating the truth you can almost any woman and they will tell you just about all of the have ho tendencies. college = ho tendencies, high school = ho tendencies, after college = ho tendencies. Ive seen it, I beleive it, and I’ll ive by it.

good for him protecting his family. yes he should of called but im sure if you were in his shoes you would of probally done the same thing

hannibal is correct.

it was a lot to go and punch a dude… fuck, if you go into subway and knock out some smart ass it’s your ass that ‘assulted’ someone… not his lesson learned for being a dick.

today shit’s all beat on… you can’t even get into a verbal argument without ‘threats’ and being sued… so it was a little far for the father to go that he may lose his possessions over.

what will happen if the girl lied, the dad goes to jail OR loses his girl to an agency because he’s ‘unfit’.

all over a 15 year old’s BS> ?