Dad punches teacher..

What is it wasn’t BS…

The father did call, and went to the school to have a meeting with the school officials and the teacher… the teacher failed to show up to the meeting… so the father went and started a verbal confrontation- which resulted in a punch. I’d do it too.

Its not like he went to the school with the intention of walking right up to the pig and punching him… … …
reading comprehension > *

If I felt the need to whoop someones ass for touching my daughter… she would have already been questioned extensively… you don’t know me very well… but it is very hard to lie to me… If I believed her… then I would do what it takes… In all serious likelyhood… it would more than likely turn into a war of words not violence… but it would certainly not be brushed under the carpet…

As far as your opinion of woman… you should re-examine who your talking too and I personally take offense to your views because you are including me in them… Not all woman act how you explain… These are only your experiences…

x2… Jenn beat me to it…

it’s amazing how you two konw so much about the story and what happened IN FLORDIA>.

none of us are privvy to what REALLY happened… jsut what was reported in the “unbiased” media.

that’s all i’m saying.

I am commenting on what was in the article and what I would do in the same situation… assuming the article is acurate and true…

but what about giving the full story…?

What about it? If you need to know more maybe you should send an e-mail to the Associated press and ask for more…

There are always two sides to every story… The missing part of the story could be that the Dad has been recently released from prison on assualt charges… The teacher could have provoked the Father (who is an upstanding citizen)… or maybe the teacher and the daughter were having an affair ans 8it went sour…
Or… The Dad could be upstanding… The Teasher could be bad … and the daughter could be exagerating…

It all boils down to the relationship the father has with his daughter and if he believes her… If he is a good parent he would know if she was lieing…

It also says in the article…"Swafford said he came to school to meet with officials about his 15-year-old daughter’s allegations. When he saw that the aide was not at the meeting, Swafford asked his daughter to take him to the man.

They argued and “I lost control,” Swafford said. Swafford spent about 10 hours in jail before getting out on bail."… This tells me that the teacher was confrontational… because as a teacher… he should have been more understanding of a father protecting his daughter… If the teacher was not guilty he should have tried to reason with the father and not let the situation turn into a confrontation…

he didn’t punch a teacher.

" A father marched into a classroom and punched a teacher’s assistant in the face "

all i’m saying is that i have two close friends who are student teachers… they are 23-24 years old and both have had numerous 14-18 year old girls try to hit on them.

as i said… who knows what really happened.

The guy sounds like a bit of a hot head that jumped the gun on his actions.

“Swafford said he came to school to meet with officials about his 15-year-old daughter’s allegations”

He went to meet with “officials”, which is what I would expect to occur long before the actual teaching aide is drug into the room. That way the girl could give her story without feeling any added pressures. Getting pissed because the guy wasn’t in there and going into the classroom was a bit much.

If the girls story later seemed true beating the guy down in the parking lot was the way to go.


He didn’t just walk in and beat the guy down… It says they argued first…so you don’t know that the TEACHERS AIDE didn’t say something to provoke it… What if the TEACHERS AIDE told the father his daughter was a whore… That could provoke a punch in the eye…

all girls are hoes, its the buttons you press to get them to unlease their true quailities. there isnt one girl that never sucked a dick. rather you take the cash up front or get taken out to eat you still sucked a dick. and if you say you never did any hoe tendencies i call you a totall liar. if youre a perfect church going girl that never had sex or anything before marriage and only has missonary sex then that would be the excpetion but i doubt there are some of those around here.

this girl could be making things up but chances are ppl would get questiond and then have charges pressed against them

i agree with hanibal to the fullest, every girl’s a hoe they just dont want to admit it

Being a “hoe” with my husband is my choice… getting paid to suck someones dick in a back alley is different…


You know this because why? You have experience with “hoes”… This article is about a 15 year old girl… not a prostitute or a stripper…

youre telling me 15yrs dont suck dick lol thats funny

hey you said it about the hoe statement, you may not be in an alley getting paid for it but you still get things in return of it. so yes all women are hoes.

all men are pigs thats just nature


she just said you can’t read


quick question. have you been cheated on more than an few times in the past? I know a few guys who have the same view on women as you…and its because they were cheated on…just asking???

all women aren’t hoes but all have a lil bit in them. if your a girl in HS or college today there is a better chance your a filth bag than not. even the sweetest most innocent girls are lying coniving ho bags. thats just the culture of that generation.

ok define what a “hoe” is…

you :ugh:

