Dad punches teacher..

for all i know she might of been one, when she was young and living.

every girl fits into that category, did you wait to marriage to have sex? if not you can technically fit into it also

You’re right … I shouldn’t have lowered myself to your immature level… But hence you are the one who is calling ALL woman hoes… regardless of their age or whether you know them… Therefor you just called my daughter / mother and nieces hoes… as well as myself… so that makes you an immature ass…

and if the ass fits… it deserved to be kicked.

You should just admit your gay because you obviously don’t like woman…



actually yeah he’ called my daughter a hoe, isn’t there something in the rules about that? ban this redneckwigger wannabe

Technical foul.

Technically he didn;t directly call her a whore.

Game on…

nope, so i guess i am in your eyes…

however i’ve only been with one person and i’m still with him 5 years later (w/o cheating). so in other peoples eyes i’m not.

but hey everyones opinoins are different :dunno:

actually… I just looked there is nothing there about “family members”… I think there used to be…

WHOA WAIT A MINUTE… i’m the redkneck wigger!!!

Its in the efighting forum at the top.

there used to be one about family members.

no you are just a shithead…


whatever, this is why you cant have a conversation with a woman they get all defensive.

like stated women wont admit they are what they are

and your the king of them.

No I’m an asshole. Get it right…

um sorry i didnt call anyone’s family member a name. sorry try again

i guess you never seen the handbook lol

i didnt make up that statment i just state it and it sure pisses off the women

lol yep

and i didnt even know there was a handbook

actually… this is what it says… and I feel that him calling me a hoe is personal…

"Fucking Thread That StartS With A Family Member or Personal Life Will Be & The Persons Involed When Get A Three Day Ban!!!

This Is A Car Board Leave All The Other Bullshit Out!!!"